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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture in Saudi Arabia proudly introduces the innovative mobile application called Livestock Chain as a groundbreaking solution leveraging Blockchain technology to effectively manage livestock data within the all country regions. This visionary application is designed to preserve the rich heritage of livestock while offering a secure mechanism for data storage and retrieval, by assigning each livestock a unique identifier.
Baia Mare has developed a community-driven approach to decontaminate heavy metal-polluted land using plants, addressing a critical public health issue. The project combines phytoremediation, smart mapping technology, and a digital reward system to encourage environmental action and sustainable development. This innovative model empowers citizens, improves urban health, and creates new green economic opportunities.
Senior citizens are often excluded from cultural experiences located inside public museums, for reasons such as physical impairments, institutionalization, or health limitations. The BeauCoup innovation creates multisensory, inclusive technologies using digital and analogue tools to make cultural heritage accessible and engaging even outside the cultural institutions. Local, state, and federal governments that manage museums are involved in the innovation process of barrier-free cultural access.
The Seoul Outdoor Library was created to meet the needs of citizens for their healing and rest in a safe space since COVID-19. As a new approach where the concept of a library space is expanded from being inside a building to outdoors, a space is created to share culture with multiple generations by offering various services for citizens in collaboration with the local community. It is an innovative model where a library is shifted to a social place in which anyone could enjoy the library.
The Aao School Chalein (School Enrollment Drive) initiative in Haryana addresses student enrollment challenges through a mrico-improvement (MI) approach and collaborative action. By empowering school leaders, leveraging technology, and using creative strategies to engage various stakeholders, it encourages community participation to boost student enrollment. This approach has the potential for collaborative, scalable solutions in addressing many education challenges, at scale.
In response to Innovation Saskatchewan's call for public sector challenges through its Innovation Challenge, the Ministry of Environment partnered with Prairie Robotics, a Regina-based AI startup, to tackle waste audits. Their AI-powered solution automates waste audit processes, cutting down time, costs, and resources previously required for manual audits. The technology identifies contaminants in recycling streams and tailors educational materials to individual households, enhancing engagement,…
A partnership of the University of Cape Town's Design Thinking School and the Western Cape Public Library Service sought to reconfigure the service delivery model of public libraries to draw in South Africa's young adult demographic. A pilot in Wellington (Cape Winelands) yielded three user-tested solutions to improve the library services model and effectively respond to the often neglected needs of young people not in employment, education, or training (NEETs).
Introducing a life event based services platform marks a shift to truly proactive, human/citizen-centric, and relevant public services in Estonia. This platform serves as a window for the citizens to seamlessly connect with institutions that deliver all essential information in one place at the time the citizen needs. Life event based services (like getting married, for instance) offer convenient, secure access to vital information, bringing together important events in an individual's life.
Itla View is a digital tool to help local services for families with children to manage their activities better using up-to-date data, to anticipate the need for corrective services and identify opportunities for preventive work. It enables different actors to form a shared holistic picture of the well-being of children, young people and families in their area. Itla View collects observations sent by field actors on the daily lives of children and families. It utilizes artificial intelligence to…