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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The Innovation Barometer is the world’s first official statistics on Public Sector Innovation (PSI), now implemented in 5 countries, providing innovators and decision makers with systematic knowledge of what thousands of innovators 'actually do’. The barometer advances PSI as a tool for solving societal problems and is used in practice for: inspiring innovation work, policymaking, strategising, executive leadership development, teaching, research and consultancy services.
Japan has been confronting many social issues such as child poverty, isolation, or deterioration of local communities. Non-profit organizations and the private sector are working to address social issues, but most of them are facing chronic shortage of money and staff. A new initiative was started in 2019, utilising dormant bank deposits for providing support to address social issues to which the national and local governments cannot respond one by one.
Despite a growing elderly population, there is currently little articulated-demand or offerings in Israel by way of community-based services preserving functional ability in old age. This innovation from the JDC Eshel addresses this, by integrating digital tools and an inter-organizational work process, including: • A digital system providing personally adapted information on services in geographical area and recommendations for successful aging. • A multi-disciplinary and…
A growing number of challenges face the province from an aging population and growing debt to successive one-term government and a disengaged public service. Given these challenges, there is a growing consensus in the public service that change is needed despite organizational structures and behaviours that favour the status quo. As a result, GNB’s “Innovation and Design services” has evolved to help public servants become better problem solvers and move towards a more human-centred…
Tiger Team is a monthly cross-corporate super team of 25+ passionate people to boldly tackle problems in the administration and city. This collaborative experiment brings together staff, citizens, and community stakeholders for 2.5 hours to understand and explore complex problems, generate ideas and prototype solutions to test with users. By bringing together these diverse perspectives Tiger Team is able to compress timelines, find unexpected solutions, identify change makers, and break down…
Fotocívicas is a behaviourally inspired traffic control system that relies on educational and civic fines aiming to transform drivers’ behaviour by reducing recidivism and licensing effect among offenders. It sets out to change the previous system, which was based on monetary fines with cameras placed where drivers were more prone to speed, not where more fatalities happened, without improving behaviours or road safety
The Ministry of Mines of Peru, alongside the IFC, BHP, various mining companies, and CISCO developed the Mining InfoCenter, a one-stop-shop social and digital innovation to provide mining-related information and capacity building to local leaders. The system will enable them to access information from the private and the public sector, build their capacities, and provide feedback to mining companies and the government, generating an informed dialogue that drives local development and contributes…
The State Government of Pernambuco has created a hub for public innovation - "Usina Pernambucana de Inovação". The Usina offers help and guidance for public institutions to innovate. With the Usina, the government can improve and disseminate knowledge about innovation, facilitate experimentations, evaluate projects and portfolios to reduce risks, optimize resources allocation and use, and create a strong culture of innovation.
“Agora Falo Eu!" is an educational card game consisting of 8 question cards and 120 image cards destined for children between 7 and 13 years old. During the game, participants are invited to answer the question cards with the picture cards they are given.   The game aims to help children explore themes of citizenship and development; define their interests and identify the most suitable media to work on citizenship and civic participation; and promote engagement in democracy.
Finland is the first country in the world to allow its citizens to manage digital mandates and act on behalf of another person or organization in digital and physical services. Mandates are provided with, which is free to use for public, private and third sector service providers and end-users in Finland. The service is built and shared as an open-source and can be utilized by other countries and organisations to provide similar e-Authorization-solutions.