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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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We detect wicked problems and turn them into new spaces for innovation. It is a platform for all Estonian ministries, the public and the private sector, experts and entrepreneurs to join forces and build the future that we deserve. We are untapping new markets with a powerful but lean public-private collaboration.
Aviation is regulated in a vast set of laws and agreements, on an international and national level and is to be respected by aviators of all sizes; from big national airports, till little children playing with drones. All these different rules and moreover national differences lead to an incredibly complex system to implement. The Belgian Federal Public Service Mobility has developed a system that translates these legal requirements into a single online aircraft registration platform.
Highways and roads are a crucial part of every country’s public infrastructure. Their maintenance currently faces three main challenges. 1) daily road maintenance operations and technical status assessments of highways rely on tacit human experience. 2) inspection and maintenance workers are using portable terminal tools with low levels of intelligence. 3) on-site operations and back-office supervision and management of maintenance operations are inefficient due to slow turnover rates.
The $800B events industry is antiquated. Huge gaps exist between cities and events. EQ is a mobile platform that streamlines traffic, navigation, crowd control, and security in real time around crowded environments while collecting critical data and analytics. Vasta will soon unveil this next-generation suite of event and venue planning services and digital simulation platform. The EQ Platform was made for cities of any size; public safety; citizens/visitors; fans/non-fans; and for organizers.
OpenCerts is a blockchain-based, open-source platform for issuing and validating tamper-resistant digital academic certificates. Users will not have to worry about any personal information being leaked as academic records of the certificate and personal data are not published on the blockchain. Since a public blockchain is owned by the community and easily accessible by anyone, there is no need to run or maintain services to verify OpenCerts.
Singapore Land Authority (SLA) manages about 7,700ha of state land, 150 vacant state buildings and 10 offshore islands. Given the scale of work, which is exacerbated by declining manpower, SLA urgently needs to augment current operations with technology and its ONE digital ecosystem (ONE) does just that. ONE is a ground-up initiative to leverage drones, machine learning, geospatial technology, applications, etc. for a synergistic and holistic management of vacant state land and buildings.
An Economic Reform Governance Model to reform design and delivery of citizen-and business-centric public services was introduced in 2016. Aim of the Model was to eliminate barriers, ensure transparency, develop digital public services and expand competitiveness through increasing engagement of civil society and businesses in the reform process. Implementing 136 reform initiatives by passing 55 legal acts enabled the government to create more favorable social-economic opportunities for citizens.
In order to respond to the surge in unprecedented pandemic of COVID-19, Korean government swiftly developed the Epidemiological Investigation System based on Smart City Data Hub technology. It is designed to help officials quickly trace transmission routes and places through real-time data analysis such as mobile information. This system reduced the time for investigation from 24 hours to less than 10 minutes, enabling the containment of the pandemic in early stage and effective quarantine.
TrueMed will change the brand protection market with modern AI based software approach for detecting originals and counterfeits around the world. TrueMed’s innovation is the next generation method for rapidly detecting goods, at any point of distribution, by customs or even consumers. It can be used by brand owners and authorities in global and cross-border collaborations. It is 100% non-additive, hence very cost-effective, agile, and capable of being adopted to different use cases.
Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure - a vital component of London’s smart and green agenda - is being delivered by a wide range of public and private bodies across London (up to 50). As a result of the project, we developed a dashboard to join up the EV Charging infrastructure in London to enable a collective understanding of what is already in place, how it is being used, and to guide future installations.