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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture in Saudi Arabia proudly introduces the innovative mobile application called Livestock Chain as a groundbreaking solution leveraging Blockchain technology to effectively manage livestock data within the all country regions. This visionary application is designed to preserve the rich heritage of livestock while offering a secure mechanism for data storage and retrieval, by assigning each livestock a unique identifier.
For digital transformation, the ability to authenticate and sign a document digitally is fundamental. Aiming to ensure universal access to digital services and increase the digital take-up, Office for IT and eGovernment established shared eID infrastructure, National eID portal, and started to issue mobile IDs and cloud-based certificates for electronic signature free of charge to every citizen over 16 years of age and foreign nationals with registered temporary stay or residence in Serbia.
UNDP has introduced a digital system that allows better reporting of public health data in rural communities in Lesotho. It consists of tablets and software designed to fit the needs of Village Health Workers, the Ministry of Health unit that collects the data, whose staff has low digital literacy. The initiative led to increased reporting frequencies (essential for monitoring fast-moving epidemics) and reduced costs; as a side effect, it increased the rates of digital literacy of the personnel.
The number of undetected cases is a link in the chain of spread of HIV/AIDS in society, so massive efforts are needed to find new cases, not only at-risk populations but also in non-risk population groups with more innovative approaches. This Innovation is here as a solution to solve problems by raising commitment to build collaboration between the government, business world, NGOs and society to jointly fight HIV/AIDS with the aim of finding wider HIV/AIDS cases with more flexible activity times
MauPass has been developed for citizens and businesses to transact easily and securely with Government online. It is a single window of authentication service to provide a layered approach towards e-Authentication implementation for all government and other e-services. This initiative follows an urgent need for better identity and access management for a trusted ecosystem.
Aware of the ongoing digital transformation and user needs, HRDKorea (Human Resources Development Service of Korea)partnered with the private sector to leverage industry-leading technology for the creation of the Mobile National Technical Qualification Service. The certificate layout was fully reconfigured to fit the smartphone environment and used blockchain technology to develop a service that now allows users to immediately access their certificates on their mobile phones. The previous model…
DYPA, the Hellenic Public Employment Service (former OAED) has developed myDYPAapp, a mobile application that provides citizens with access to DYPA’s online services from their mobile phones. It was launched in February 2021, as an adaptation of DYPA’s services to new needs and modern technology that require the digitization of services, interaction and immediacy in serving citizens’ needs. myDYPAapp is innovative as it includes a wide range of user interaction possibilities with DYPA.
As part of a comprehensive strategy for the Digital Transformation of Health services in Greece, IDIKA which is a supervised body of the Ministry of Digital Governance, developed the myHealth mobile application. Via myHealth mobile app, citizens have access to their health data. MyHealth app introduces a set of modern health services to Greek citizens, reduces bureaucracy, ensures transparency, and lays the foundations for the development of new health and social security digital services.
ESİM is an application developed for persons with hearing impairment to benefit from health services without communication barriers. Citizens can create records for emergency situations and request hospital appointments free of charge on Esim mobile applications from their smart devices. In addition, disabled citizens can receive instant support from expert medical personnel who know sign language by video call.