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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The Innovation Compass/Recorder helps to better understand enabling factors for public sector innovation and to support governments in identifying fields for improvement and in sharing good practice across institutions and borders. The Innovation Compass builds on the experience from the Scandinavian region, based on statistical surveys and reflective self-assessment. It was developed by a cross-sector network in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Measuring motorcycle helmet use is critical for countries to target enforcement and measure the impact of new laws for road safety for motorcyclists. Current methods to measure helmet use are time-consuming and costly and involve roadside observation and review of hospital records. This novel method, using street imagery and crowdsourcing internet marketplaces, has the ability to revolutionize how this life-saving intervention is measured by dramatically reducing time and cost.
The imIN-hub aims to envision health services for the citizen of tomorrow. It focuses on developing and adapting towards innovation products, services and training in the areas of eHealth, ICT, Mobile, AI, and Robotics. The project aims to take targeted actions to achieve a digital health model closer to citizens at every stage of their life. The imIN-hub seeks to be the backbone of health innovation in Portugal while working on internal innovation of the national public health company (SPMS)…
With the introduction of 5G, global attention on electromagnetic field (EMF) safety has greatly increased. As such, the “IoT-based, unmanned remote EMF measuring equipment” has been developed steadily to measure EMF 24/7/365 while extending EMF measurement to the entire living environment. An “EMF monitoring system” has also been deployed to manage EMF in real time. In so doing, the system has contributed to the building of an EMF-free country while relieving public anxiety over EMF.
The last field survey done in the UAE was in 2005 and since then the Ministry has been relying heavily on statistical data from the 2005 survey, thus creating the need to have a new agricultural survey done with high accuracy, speed, and low cost. A drone-enabled aerial mapping system was used to generate high-resolution highly efficient aerial data over 1100 square kilometre within 12 months, at a cost of less than five times the cost of a field survey, and obtaining 52 parameters statistical…
Impact Canada is a whole-of-government effort that deploys outcomes-based policy and program approaches. It features a novel set of rules, processes, and supports to allow the Government of Canada to support innovative methods like challenges, pay-for-success funding, and behavioural insights, which previously faced significant barriers to adoption. Through these systems-level changes, the Government can now apply these approaches to produce better outcomes for citizens and create greater public
The Brazilian federal voluntary transfers process handled more than R$100 billion between 2008 and 2018 by means of over 140,000 instruments among the entities of the Federation. However, the number of transfers made required an analysis effort much higher than the available analysis capacity of the transferring agencies. Thus, the problem of continued growth of presented accounts pending analysis emerged. The project "Malha Fina de Convenios" is a tool to solve this bottleneck.
CHESS was launched in February 2017 to address the problems of eye care inaccessibility to the elderly residents, delayed diagnoses and management of eye diseases. Novel teaching methods were implemented to rapidly heighten community nurses’ eye screening skills. Ground breaking innovations were introduced to evolve CHESS further. It is a cost-effective eye care model that has detected a significant number of asymptomatic eye conditions and has reduced the need for specialist referrals.
Mi Taxi, My Cab, part of Mexico City’s App, was created to boost trust in the public cab network by making the service safer. It provides information about the drivers and the cabs' public concessions. Users can rate the trip and activate a panic button connected to the City’s Intelligence Agency, C5. Negative perceptions of safety among the public lead the Government to grasp the situation faced by drivers and users, particularly women, and thus developed the initial phase of the app,…