M♡THer is a novel interactive system designed to support women throughout diagnosis of gestational diabetes to the birth of their baby. It also improves multidisciplinary care co-ordination by providing shared access to the women’s clinical information. Clinicians saw an opportunity to improve service delivery to patients, and improve care provision, particularly as referrals to GDM services dramatically increase. No other technology like this could be found, at the time of development.
Innovation Tag: Process Improvement/Simplification
Case Study
Development and implementation of an electronic system for animal and plant health surveillance
Animal and plant health surveillance is a part of the structure of agricultural and livestock production, including supply safety, pest and pathogen control, and certification of agro-industrial products. However, we lacked of tools that allow integration of activities and ensure agility in the transmission of the data obtained in the field. We developed an integrated system of surveillance for the inspectors to use, in the animal husbandry agency in the state of Minas Gerais, the Instituto…
The automatic filling and assessment of individual’s income tax return enables the tax return to be delivered in a simple, convenient and timely manner, as it exempts the taxpayer from any interaction except the confirmation of the pre-filled values.
The tax return is fully filled out by Tax Administration with the data gathered (income and expenses) from third parties information (employers, businesses, banks, etc.) and from the individual elements declared by the taxpayer in the previous…
GovTech Poland is a completely new way of bringing innovations to the public sector. We have set out to define new procurement rules, set standards and build bridges between innovators and officials. Organising competitions, workshops, and introducing new digital solutions ourselves, our objective is to make the administration an agile, responsible partner for SME's and startups.
A customer-friendly emergency service model from Finland where the public can find all the assistance they need at one point of service, instead of across several sites. In addition to somatic emergency services, psychiatry, substance abuse and violence prevention, crisis and social work, and child protection are available. The interprofessional model means collaboration towards a shared goal. The operational model, available anywhere in the world, improves emergency services.
Case Study
Using Behavioral Science to Reduce Corruption Within Mexico’s Public Service: An Innovative Way to…
Corruption in Mexico is a daunting problem that negatively affects the lives of millions, despite the growing expenditure in fighting it. UCEx’s evidence-based innovation is an alternative solution resulted from a rigorous field experiment. It used behaviorally informed-messages sent to 157,586 real public officials to increase the reports of gifts they receive and may pose a conflict of interest.This intervention puts “a foot on the door” towards the long path of controlling corruption.
The Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) introduced the online application system in 2015. The Admissions Application Online System was introduced to ensure that the Department has all information relating to admissions in a central repository for planning and reporting purposes.
The Maritime Arrivals Reporting System (MARS) is the first fully online system for ensuring vessels meet regulations relating to the risk of pests and diseases. MARS is widely embraced by the international shipping industry. Major benefits are clarity of Australia’s biosecurity regulations, transparency of penalties for noncompliance and an efficient clearance process for each vessel.
Accessing local council and central UK Government services using voice.
How shall XXI century court be like? Is it possible to know what brings a citizen to court just by arriving at the building and direct him to the exact place, without any human contact? Yes, it’s possible! Innovative technology, a modern attendance model and streamlined procedures are changing the Portuguese courts. It’s a revolution in the way courts engage with the citizens to better serve them.