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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The Client Experience Measurement Survey Model was developed by Employment and Social Development Canada to gather and analyse client feedback to improve service delivery to its clients. Canadians have been able to express their views on government programs and services, which have informed the way programs and services are designed and delivered.  The survey allows the tracking of service satisfaction, ease of access, effectiveness of service delivery, and the experience of particular programs…
The Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) Framework is innovative because it represents a promising practice in the development of a comprehensive policy, program and implementation strategy that was co-developed with the Government of Canada and Indigneous peoples. The document recognizes the value of Indigenous-led, culturally-grounded programs and that supports their health and wellbeing, spiritual, social and educational development, and language and culture.
The prolonged economic crisis in Europe has led to a growing feeling of alienation among citizens from the main decision-making centres. The co-creation research methodology for co-operative governance is an innovative approach to stakeholder engagement in which policymakers and researchers work as a team in dialogue spaces configured to address different territorial challenges. A participative, open and collaborative governance for the economic development of Gipuzkoa is therefore being built.
EUIPO studies show that young people are lacking information on intellectual property, and the available information is presented in an ineffective way for the specific age group. Starting the new 2018/2019 school year in Latvia, general education, academic secondary education and vocational secondary education teachers will have the opportunity to integrate intellectual property issues in their lessons, thus contributing to the formation of a responsible and innovative new generation.
For ventures and start-ups to overcome Valley of Death (failure to survive within the first 3-7 years from start) and to explore sales channels in the early stage, the Korean Public Procurement Service designed VENTURE NARA. VENTURE NARA is a "stepping stone" where ventures and start-ups can promote and sell their products in the early stage, and prepare for jumping into the broader markets. As a prior stage to the Online Shopping Mall, VENTURE NARA is put in place where any ventures and…
LawMaker is a lobby for the lobbyless – a free advocacy tool for those of us who don’t have a professional working for them to influence our governments. LawMaker allows Americans to (1) crowdsource ideas for new laws, (2) build voter coalitions, and (3) engage politicians to advocate for change. Our mission is to democratize democracies by empowering the creation of new laws that originate from real people at the grassroots, instead of from lobbyists and wealthy special interests.
All cars on Australian roads must have compulsory insurance (CTP). In the ACT, this insurance was expensive, coverage limited, and most claims needed to be settled in the courts. democracyCo designed and delivered a Citizens’ Jury and extensive stakeholder engagement process to develop a improve the scheme. Over 7 months 50 Canberrans worked with a group of stakeholders to design the improved scheme, which the Government committed to implement.
The frameworks for creating and managing the rule of government, as reflected in policies, legislation and regulation, are still based on a paper paradigm. In a digital world this creates poor service experiences and often the intent of a policy is not achieved. Instead if we co-design authoritative machine-consumable rules we can provide better services for citizens, better delivery of policy intent, and enable communities, NGOs and private sector to be part of a government service ecosystem.
« DK Plus de Mobilité » is an ambitious transportation policy led by the Dunkirk Urban District Council. This project aims to increase the share (less than 7%) of public transit in the Dunkirk area (200 000 inhabitants). The main challenge and specificity of this project – developed in consultation with local population - consists in combining the upgrading and modernization of transport infrastructures with the implementation of free public transport for all.
In Argentina 30% of women do not comply with prenatal check-ups and almost 1 in 10 have their first contact with the health system at the time of birth. "Crecer con Salud" is a virtual assistant based on Facebook Messenger that works outside the health system, identifying and recruiting pregnant women where they are. The bot is designed to accompany women during their pregnancy and the baby's first year with personalized information and reminders of attendance to pre and post natal check-ups.