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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The E-Gov Development Center has developed a new information exchange tool named ASAN Bridge in order to enable government organizations to transfer the necessary data to each other in more stable, secure and prompt ways. Through the assistance of this system, the key development challenge in the country was addressed by simply enhancing the safety and efficiency of the procedures and serving citizens better.
Over 3 million citizens annually visited government offices in Delhi for various transport services. To reduce interference of middleman, application pendency and physical exposure in view of ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, faceless services have been launched to offer transport services to citizens at the comfort of their home. Using AI, e-sign, biometric-based authentication and institutional restructuring, faceless services provide hassle-free contactless services to citizens.
In Kenya, it remains difficult for both watchdogs and citizens to understand how financial resources are utilised since it decentralised services from national to county-level governments in 2013. PesaYetu is a data visualisation website designed to easily explore, interpret and report on budget-driven stories affecting counties. The primary audience is researchers and journalists who want to empower citizens at the county level to engage their leaders on issues concerning policy and governance
The Happiness Curriculum (HC) is the first systemic step towards holistic development of all learners under the formal education set up. Launched in 2018 by his holiness Dalai Lama, this is the first time in the world, that there is a curriculum that focusses on inculcating mindfulness and social emotional learning as a practice every day at such a big scale. It is being implemented with more than 800,000 students from kindergarten through Grade 8 across more than 1000 Delhi government schools.
The eBox Citizen is a digital mailbox in which Belgian citizens can receive official documents from Belgian public instances at every level. Given the complex nature of Belgium’s federal state structure, the deployment of such a centralized eBox has proven to be a crucial step in the continuous digitalization of public services in Belgium. It got an enormous boost throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, as the quickest way for citizens to receive an invitation for their vaccination was via their…
TCS is part of the Government Data Architecture initiative to enable secure data sharing and usage across public service, built upon an integrated data management framework that manages the data lifecycle effectively from acquisition to destruction. It is a one-stop central sensor data platform that provides end-to-end data sharing services with exploitation environment.
KSPO has created the SOLF, Seoul Olympic Legacy Forum as a platform where Olympic legacy entities from all around the world gather for the first time to share and collaborate on sustainable development plans for the Olympic Legacy. Through the SOLF, Olympic legacy entities communicated and cooperated with each other to solve the long-term social problems after the Olympic games and to deliver intangible legacy of Olympic spirit and world peace to future generations.
A proof of concept has been created to incorporate design techniques in many elements of a PoD's life cycle, planning for future demands and overcoming existing hurdles. The proposed strategy prioritizes the needs of persons with disabilities and helps them acquire the resources and services they need. It also helps families gain confidence in caring for a disabled kid. This helps POD engage, lead, create, and sustain life.
Tertius has resulted in massive productivity gains for the building industry in DC, enabling developers & property owners to book (at a nominal cost) certified third party agency inspections. Outcome: Far more efficient matching of demand & supply for permit inspections, substantially reducing turnaround times. Tertius has driven revenue to the taxpayers, increased regulatory oversight, increased safety in the building community, saving property owners and developers thousands of dollars.
Project Sampoorna, successfully implemented in Bongaigaon district of Assam, is a model that can be easily implemented anywhere in reducing child malnutrition. This project has resulted in reduction of malnutrition in children by 95.6 % within 1 year in Bongaigaon district using very less economic investment. It is an initiative for tackling SAM and MAM by using Weight for Height growth chart & Empowering Mothers by employing Buddy Mother concept along with community participation.