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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Innova FOSIS created a new way of designing public policies that opened up public problems to solutions from civil society, the private sector, and academia. It allows a space within the state to test solutions on a small scale, through the implementation of learning pilots. It is an open innovation competition, followed by a pilot model for learning management and finally a mechanism for scaling up the best solutions to public policy.
The innovation involved creating a central support service for elderly people who need care and monitoring. For this purpose, a Call Center operates on a 24-hour basis with properly trained staff composed of social workers and psychologists, who have direct access to each elderly person's file and respond to the elderly person's emergency calls by telephone.
'Seoul Learn' is a project that provides equal educational opportunities to the vulnerable population that has difficulties in accessing educational resources due to socioeconomic reasons. Educational inequality in Korea has been identified as the main culprit behind generational poverty. The project offers various educational services via public platforms to prevent education from causing inequalities.
Since its inception in 2020 for the purpose of realizing a digitally inclusive society, the Digital Competency Center Project has been providing digital competency training for citizens to enjoy the benefits of digital technologies and services as their lives and socioeconomic activities are rapidly digitalized. Thanks to the innovation, any person in Korea can visit their local Digital Competency Center for a free, hands-on training programmes to foster skills for using mobile or digital…
Performing and Visual Arts ASoSE(s) represents India’s first bold endeavour to reimagine secondary education that currently offers students only 3 pathways. This innovative public school model offers learning in ‘Music’, ‘Visual Arts’ and ‘Filmmaking Acting and Media Studies’ for low-income students with creative aptitude/interests. They empower students with artistic interests to unlock aspirational higher-ed and career pathways in the creative field of their choice alongside…
ANII, in collaboration with the private sector and the support of Uruguay's Ministry of Health, is piloting a novel Open Innovation Initiative (MH2030). Ageing populations and rising numbers of people with multiple chronic diseases are placing an increasing burden on health systems. There is a need for improving healthcare by fostering an innovative environment. Through this new co-creative approach, local entrepreneurs work collaboratively with partnering healthcare institutions to tailor and…
The Knowledge Platform with the working title of 'ERA-volution' is a community space for dialogue on current EU initiatives between policy makers and stakeholders in Slovenia in the fields of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. In this way, we aim to strengthen the co-design and joint implementation of policies in these areas, to support cooperation of Slovenian stakeholders in EU initiatives, and effectively promote synergies between the fields.
To create a sustainable and inclusive public transport ecosystem, Capital Region Urban Transport (CRUT) has redefined public transit through its user-centric services. CRUT’s Mo E-Ride (E-Rickshaw) service provides feeder services for its primary Mo Bus (city bus) routes, forging ways for integrated multimodal mobility solutions. CRUT has also consciously invested in holistic policy decisions that supports social and gender inclusivity. The hallmark of its initiatives lies in its integration…
HighEd is a platform that enables young people who want to study abroad to make their plans for applying on the basis of safe and reliable information.  Today, the number of young people from the Republic of Uzbekistan going to foreign countries to study is increasing. As young people go abroad, the number of consulting agencies that offer education orientation is increasing, but the services they offer can be inaccessible to many Uzbekistanis and some agencies operate illegitimately.…
ESİM is an application developed for persons with hearing impairment to benefit from health services without communication barriers. Citizens can create records for emergency situations and request hospital appointments free of charge on Esim mobile applications from their smart devices. In addition, disabled citizens can receive instant support from expert medical personnel who know sign language by video call.