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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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This website, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
Sardinia Region involved all the mobility stakeholders in participating in the “federated network of collective transport open data” and all the data concerning scheduled services were published: buses, trains, ferries, airplanes. Various info-mobility services were developed by ICT enterprises. A web application was developed to allow users to notify transport inefficiencies to agencies and public administration, which are now interconnected with users in order to improve public service…
Budget Monitor is a ICT tool of SAOG that promotes transparency,accountability,efficiency of public administration through increased citizen scrutiny. BM establishes two way communication with taxpayers: 1.provides sophisticated budgetary information by easy-to-interpret visualizations and dynamic graphs for free and 2.enables citizens to get involved in audit process by informing SAOG about deficiencies in public spending,providing recommendations and contribute to improved public service… promotes the design of evidence-based policies in a transparent and collaborative manner. Academia, public officials and decision-makers can follow the progress of the indicators measuring the global goals with official data and user friendly visualizations.
The Citizens' Assembly was an exercise in deliberative democracy, placing the citizen at the heart of important legal and policy issues facing Irish society. With the benefit of expert, impartial and factual advice the 100 citizen Members considered five topics. Their conclusions formed the basis of a number of reports and recommendations that were submitted to the Houses of the Oireachtas (the Irish Houses of Parliament) for further debate by our elected representatives.
Carrot Rewards is a platform promoting healthy living and public engagement that leverages behavioural economics, mobile tech and the power of loyalty programs to motivate and educate users to make better everyday lifestyle choices for themselves, their families and the planet. Created in collaboration with public sector agencies, leading Canadian health NGOs and the private sector. With over a million downloads, Carrot is driving sustainable positive behaviour change on a population scale.
In May 2016, the Mayor of San Francisco launched the Safe and Clean Neighborhoods Promise. This was a new initiative to improve the quality of life in San Francisco with a coordinated approach to delivering City services better and faster. He issued an Executive Directive to Department Heads responsible for quality of life issues directing them to prioritize services so all residents have access to clean, safe, maintained public spaces and facilities. To ensure success, the mayor created the…
The challenge the city Ljubljana wanted to address was how to approach young people who have ideas. What works well, and what could be even better? City Incubator is a programme for the implementation of the ideas of young people in Ljubljana. It is a sustainable tool for implementation and co-financing of local youth initiatives. Individuals or groups may put ideas forward and in the frame of the programme, they receive professional support for the fine-tuning, and financial support for the…
The innovation was developed to tackle the problem of corruption in the Lithuanian healthcare sector. We conducted a Vitamin Lab experiment to find out if the change of the clinic’s environment indirectly affects the behaviour of patients, how it can influence their attitudes towards the clinic, increase transparency and reduce bribery. To our knowledge, it was one of the first initiatives to use this type of measured social design interventions in the context of healthcare sector corruption.