The Government of Canada is experimenting writing existing laws and proposed regulations into code. Encoding rules allows us to run legal simulations in the regulatory drafting room, which helps us detect ambiguities, loopholes, and gaps in the rules that often go unnoticed. However, existing tools designed by and for programmers are not intuitive for rule-makers. In response, we set out to develop one – an open-source Rules as Code tool called Blawx.
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India has several small cities lacking resources which has prevented them from offering digital services. To reduce the digital divide amongst the towns and cities and to ensure availability of digital services across the urban landscape of the country, NUDM attempts to offer a free, ready-made, and open-source software platform to cities and/or collectives (states). This platform is a choice-based model that benefits cities of varied maturity levels and preserves their existing investments.
Zaragoza City Council has launched a new electronic citizen participation platform with the aim of involving its citizens in public policy decisions and in the design of its services. It provides an interactive space for residents to actively contribute, strengthening the collaboration between the administration and the community, thus fostering a more inclusive and transparent management.
The Network of Public Services (NPD) was established to collectively support and inspire public services, share knowledge and expertise and to lobby policy and politics. The NPD is an informal network of over 80 public services. Together, we present a strong voice towards politics and policy to make our wishes feasible, aiming for improving public services for citizens and entrepreneurs.
A flourishing private sector is essential to the development of Oman’s economy. Encouraging and helping foreign entrepreneurs and investors to set up and run businesses in Oman is vital to achieving this objective. The Oman Business Platform is a one-stop-shop platform that provides fast and easy access to all relevant e-services for foreign investors planning to set up and manage companies, helping to make Oman one of the most welcoming and efficient business environments in the world.
The investment and business sector in Serang City, especially for small-scale, is still facing licensing constraints. Easy Business License in One Step, comes as solution that allows business licensing and education services to the community, will be conducted at the village and sub-district, instead of having to go to the Investment and One-Stop Office. It will cut bureaucratic red tape so that people with time constraints, lack of understanding, and people with disabilities can be served.
Statistics Poland has launched Public Services Monitoring System to provide local government units, entrepreneurs and community with the information necessary for a comprehensive assessment of services provided at the local level. Previously entities responsible for providing these services did not have access to data for supporting decision-making processes, as well as to monitor changes to improve the quality of services at the municipal level.
UAsk, born from the need for seamless access to government services in the UAE, is an AI-powered chatbot transforming citizen engagement. Serving residents, businesses, and visitors, it leverages generative AI, particularly ChatGPT, for real-time, multilingual, and reliable information. Its innovation lies in delivering an inclusive, user-centric, and efficient digital experience, revolutionizing interactions with diverse government services within the digital governance realm.
SME Houses are one-stop-shop centers providing comprehensive services and support tools to SMSs during planning, starting, running and developing businesses. It is a unique initiative that allows mobilization and coordination of resources of all public and private stakeholders to contribute to development of SME sector. It makes it easier for those who often don’t know from where to get specific services to just go to one facility and get consultation, guidance, services and support.
To tackle air pollution and climate-related challenges, Milan has devised and executed a groundbreaking initiative to engage citizens in sustainability planning – the Permanent Citizens' Assembly on Climate. By fostering inclusive deliberations, the Assembly puts forth tangible recommendations for the city's long term sustainable development agenda. Its innovative model guides an equitable transition that positively impacts all residents ensuring durable civic participation in policymaking.