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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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High resolution satellite data were used to make a credible estimate of the number of brick kilns across the ‘Brick Belt’, helping to calculate the scale of modern slavery present. Brick kilns are high slavery-prevalent industries and before this work, the full scale of brick kilns and by proxy, slavery, was unknown, making action from the appropriate agencies difficult. This innovation provides data to help NGOs and governments fight modern slavery. This approach scales in time and space.
The active-waiting robot was developed by the French local-level Seine Saint Denis Innovation Lab. We created the robot R2-D3 to help reduce the digital gap with Departmental Home for Disabled Persons (Maison départementale des personnes handicapées) users. It informs users on various topics in a playful and simplified way. It can speak and understand many languages, which is useful in the context. And it can also collect data from users. It is user-oriented and it's built upon new robotic…
By applying state-of-the-art data science approaches to both Queensland Fire & Emergency Services (QFES) data (internal, public, or otherwise), the project forecasted the likelihood of major hazards (e.g. cyclones, fire) which drive the service demands for QFES. Using these likelihoods, the project generated 1,000 statewide 10-year service demand scenarios. Each service demand scenario was assessed regarding proposed capital and operational investment plans. With this innovation, data rather…
The Free Education platform is an open and collaborative learning space that seeks to awake the interest of Brazilian youth in their personal and professional development. It is a free, open platform, and its practical, interactive content is especially directed at lower income youths (between the ages of 16-24), that have not completed high school and do not have the necessary skills to find employment or interest in continuing their studies through formal education.
Azerbaijan's Digital Trade HubIt is the first e-trade and e-commerce portal guaranteed by the government. The launch of Digital Trade Hub is a leading factor behind the country's 27% rise in non-oil exports, supporting local producers reaching external markets.    
NRCan's Office of Energy Efficiency (OEE) Social Innovation UnLab (SIU) is working with program colleagues and Carrot Insights to deliver an energy efficiency rewards pilot via the Carrot Rewards mobile app. Our hypothesis: Engaging Canadians on their smartphones and gamifying learning and action will improve awareness and adoption of energy-efficient behaviours. The pilot is delivering results and entering its third phase this year (2018).
ProZorro is a hybrid electronic government e-procurement system created as the result of a partnership between business, government and the civil society in Ukraine. Innovative public procurement system delivering government services in a stakeholder-focused, transparent, fair and low-cost way. In two years of operation of ProZorro saved $1.9 billion of budget funds and became a leader in openess of goverment data on public procurement.