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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC) has embraced human-centred design to transform the way regulation is developed and applied for small businesses in Western Australia. The SBDC partnered with 22 local governments to deliver the Small Business Friendly Approvals Program, which involved reviewing the approvals journey from the small business’ perspective and designing reforms to streamline processes. The Program has ignited transformational change and made it easier to do…
The number of undetected cases is a link in the chain of spread of HIV/AIDS in society, so massive efforts are needed to find new cases, not only at-risk populations but also in non-risk population groups with more innovative approaches. This Innovation is here as a solution to solve problems by raising commitment to build collaboration between the government, business world, NGOs and society to jointly fight HIV/AIDS with the aim of finding wider HIV/AIDS cases with more flexible activity times
Born in Belgium Professionals is a RIZIV project that offers a digital tool, developed by and for professionals who work with or for (vulnerable) pregnant women. The tool is an online, shared platform that centralizes information about the psychosocial situation of the pregnant woman and makes it available to her care providers and healthcare providers from the (para)medical and social sector, fully in accordance with privacy legislation (GDPR).
Santo Stefano di Sessanio is a rural village affected by long-standing depopulation and marginalisation phenomena that need to be effectively tackled. Seizing the opportunity of funds for socio-economic revitalisation, a participatory process was promoted to identify a framework of proposals responding to real local needs and aimed at improving the attractiveness and liveability of the village, while strengthening the local community's sense of trust, spirit of cooperation and responsibility.
Rainlevelr is a joint approach to reduce the risk of flooding. By utilizing the water basins of horticultural companies, the Delfland horticultural area can absorb heavier downpours, thus preventing flooding for both the businesses and the surrounding area. In Rainlevelr, regional authorities, ‘Glastuinbouw Nederland’ and horticultural companies collaborate closely. The uniqueness of this innovation lies in the collaboration among various stakeholders involved in the use of water buffers…
Dutch Central Government (employer) and Trade Unions reserved €6 million to experiment with and include a wide range of (new) Green Benefits in the Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) to fight climate change. Through a unique, multi-party innovation process, over 75 civil servants and multilevel teams were trained in innovation and experimentation and jointly came together to develop green benefits pilots to be included in the CLA. The ultimate goal is to develop methods to involve all levels of…
The project was born from the need to redesign the Ministry of Education's (MI) decision-making processes. The ITeR application is an organizational and management tool built to suit this purpose. The beneficiaries of the innovation are the MI actors involved in the process, but also the citizens who benefit from the measures being issued more quickly. ITeR is innovative because it enables the cooperation of all actors, keeps track of all documents and greatly simplifies the decision-making…
DYPA, the Hellenic Public Employment Service (former OAED) has developed myDYPAapp, a mobile application that provides citizens with access to DYPA’s online services from their mobile phones. It was launched in February 2021, as an adaptation of DYPA’s services to new needs and modern technology that require the digitization of services, interaction and immediacy in serving citizens’ needs. myDYPAapp is innovative as it includes a wide range of user interaction possibilities with DYPA.
The Parliament of Vanuatu has struggled to fulfil its legislative, budget, oversight, and representation functions due to limited capacity to utilise trusted statistics. The Vanuatu Bureau of Statistics addressed this capacity gap through targeted training with Members of Parliament (MPs) and parliamentary civil servants to improve policy making. This is the first focused effort in Vanuatu to introduce data for sustainable development monitoring to MPs with the aim of enhancing good governance.
The Finish Government established a network-based Competence Centre for Sustainable and Innovative Public Procurement (KEINO) in 2018. The Centre provides, free of charge, advisory services to public procurers, promotes the strategic importance of procurement competencies in public management, facilitates creation of buyers’ groups among procurers, and disseminates information and good practices. The network consists of five public organisations.