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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The Government of Aruba developed a dynamic policy framework based on 10 key building blocks that jointly form a road map setting the direction for Aruba’s digitization strategy. The publication of the road map marks the culmination of the government’s preparatory implementation work over the past 3 years. At its core, the strategy is about meeting the needs of people within a service model that is fit for the demands of the 21st century.
The Reducing Friction in Trade (RFIT) project was initiated in March 2019 as a proof of concept to establish how blockchain distributed ledger technology and associated technologies can be used to seamlessly integrate supply chain data with HM Revenue & Customs and the Food Standards Agency’s systems. The project intends to do so by guaranteeing the timeliness and provenance of critical data and avoiding the need for discrete declarations.
The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown measures led to an increase in gender-based violence worldwide. In this context, the Government of Chile and Argentina, in an international collaboration with Facebook, took on the challenge of creating a silent channel to provide emotional support and information to women who live with their aggressor. In Chile, the project was led by the Ministry of Women and Gender Equality, and the Government (Innovation) Laboratory.
The Borderlands Partnership, comprising five local authorities on the border of England and Scotland, secured an innovative growth deal with the UK and Scottish Governments: the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal. The Deal will bring in up to £452m of fresh investment to support inclusive and sustainable growth across the Borderlands region and is anticipated to boost the region’s economy by £1.1 billion and create 5,500 additional job opportunities. It is the cross-border growth Deal in the…
NATAL’s Helpline was developed 20 years ago to provide an accessible and destigmatized method for those traumatized by terror and war. The Helpline provides state-of-the art trauma-informed mental health care. Twelve years later, in partnership with Pastor Harris and his community, the model was adapted to help Chicagoans cope with trauma from urban violence. This international partnership trained 40 caregivers to help hundreds of callers annually, resulting in healthier outcomes and…
The GCF is the MMC’s response to the unmet needs of cities as they work to support migrants, refugees, & IDPs during COVID-19. By offering direct financial and technical support to cities in low & middle income countries, the GCF proves fiscal feasibility in places that are often disregarded by donors with low-risk tolerance. The vision is to create a model that can be scaled & replicated elsewhere to ensure that global responses to pressing challenges reflect & address realities on the…
The Indonesian Government has initiated “I-Gateway” as Hub for ASEAN Trading Document, enabling electronic data exchange such as certificates of origin to ensure authenticity, reduce paper work and eliminates redundancy. I-Gateway connects both domestically among national agencies and internationally with other countries. It validates and reconciles documents efficiently, to ensure its security as well as business process simplification and harmonization, aiming to higher ease of doing…
The West Africa Health Informatics Team (WAHIT), based at the West African Health Organization (WAHO), is a team of software developers and health information system experts that provide on-demand technical assistance to countries while building local capacity. Originally founded in the wake of the Ebola outbreak as a proof of concept to test innovative models for building local health informatics capacity, WAHIT evolved into a foundational component of WAHO’s leadership in health in the…
Governments traditionally don’t share information and learnings and they are often slow to evolve. OneTeamGov is an innovative community that spans the globe, bringing together individuals who are committed to radically reforming government services and learning from each other. OneTeamGov are an entirely volunteer-run network of individuals who continue to share ideas, project learnings, new ways of working, and continue to push government to be better for all.
The Internet's potential to enable micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to conduct international commercial transactions has yet to be fully realised. With an emphasis on computational approaches to trade policy design and delivery, SUBREI has launched a pilot programme to contribute to an open repository of rules in a digital form: an 'Internet of Rules' (IoR). The IoR will expand access to cross-border transactions and improve use by people and machines alike.