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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The Governments of Estonia and Finland are exchanging data across borders in an X-Road Trust Federation. The countries had already developed and implemented their own national data exchange layers based on the X-Road technology. The two instances now communicate with each other in the first international interoperability ecosystem of its kind, facilitating the real-time availability of information on population and businesses in the face of increasing trans-border economic activity.
The KP Citizen’s Portal is a highly interactive mobile application aimed at serving information and services, disseminating information, engaging citizens, and dealing with public complaints in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The application effectively uses modern ICT-based and e-governance tools to help citizens get the latest information about essential citizen services. Furthermore, the system implements a closed-loop regarding complaint management, helping government to solve issues and…
Impact Canada is a whole-of-government effort that deploys outcomes-based policy and program approaches. It features a novel set of rules, processes, and supports to allow the Government of Canada to support innovative methods like challenges, pay-for-success funding, and behavioural insights, which previously faced significant barriers to adoption. Through these systems-level changes, the Government can now apply these approaches to produce better outcomes for citizens and create greater public
Indonesia has a wide and complex structure of government which provides different and interconnected types of public services. In this context, public participation in reporting complaints and dissatisfaction with public services delivery nationwide plays a significant role to ensure better quality of public service delivery. SP4N-LAPOR! has been established to become a one-stop national complaint handling management system in public services.
‘Mobile Certified Mail Project’ for Public Sector provides an enhanced convenience to the public by enabling real-time visibility after an identity authentication of the recipient. By working with 60 administrations and public agencies involved in national taxes and social insurances, and platform companies that have 96% of South Korea’s population as members, this project contributes to promoting the public right to know and to strengthening social welfare benefits.
Surviving family members of unexpected deaths (accidents, murders, suicide) are often ill equipped to process pain, cope with daily functions, fulfill social roles and maintain health. Finding one's own spiritual resources in such crises can be immensely helpful. This pilot program integrates spiritual support responses into Israel’s Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs’ Sudden Loss and Bereavement Centers and targets parents in order to build and enhance family resilience and well-being.
Despite a growing elderly population, there is currently little articulated-demand or offerings in Israel by way of community-based services preserving functional ability in old age. This innovation from the JDC Eshel addresses this, by integrating digital tools and an inter-organizational work process, including: • A digital system providing personally adapted information on services in geographical area and recommendations for successful aging. • A multi-disciplinary and…
The Investment and Development Agency of Latvia has developed a new communication platform with its audience - iNovuss, an open-air innovation festival that brings together multiple target groups and facilitates interaction between them, changing the perception of public service delivery. This festival allows to engage with the audience in a more cost effective way and mainly covers but is not limited to these topics - technology, innovation, tourism, education, research, exports and…
Tiger Team is a monthly cross-corporate super team of 25+ passionate people to boldly tackle problems in the administration and city. This collaborative experiment brings together staff, citizens, and community stakeholders for 2.5 hours to understand and explore complex problems, generate ideas and prototype solutions to test with users. By bringing together these diverse perspectives Tiger Team is able to compress timelines, find unexpected solutions, identify change makers, and break down…