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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The Citizen Calendar is an online cross-cutting app that stands as the single point of information about all major events and interactions with the Public Administration. Through a secure digital authentication of their choice, citizens can view, edit and customize events of interest, such as the payment of benefits, fiscal calendars, health appointments, and so on.
Azerbaijan's Digital Trade HubIt is the first e-trade and e-commerce portal guaranteed by the government. The launch of Digital Trade Hub is a leading factor behind the country's 27% rise in non-oil exports, supporting local producers reaching external markets.    
Le LabZéro est un laboratoire d’innovation publique qui poursuit des objectifs “zéro”, comme “zéro personne à la rue”. Afficher une forte ambition permet de mobiliser les énergies et d’encourager la créativité. C’est un lieu tiers, piloté par l’État régional et animé par une équipe d’horizons différents, qui rassemble tous les acteurs concernés et volontaires pour trouver de nouvelles réponses aux questions de politiques publiques.
National Doctors Training and Planning has commenced The Spark Innovation Program, designed to empower junior doctors to innovate and make positive changes within the public health system. In a traditionally bureaucratic environment where innovation is not encouraged, the Spark program not only enables innovation but actively encourages it. Through this empowerment of initiative, creativity and expertise, retention of staff is also addressed and morale increased.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires that organisations carry outData Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA or PIA) prior to starting a likely risky processing operation. The PIA tool is a free and open source software tool, available as a standalone and “server” version. It helps organisations to conduct PIAs by guiding them through the process step-by-step, and thus to demonstrate compliance with the GDPR.
NRCan's Office of Energy Efficiency (OEE) Social Innovation UnLab (SIU) is working with program colleagues and Carrot Insights to deliver an energy efficiency rewards pilot via the Carrot Rewards mobile app. Our hypothesis: Engaging Canadians on their smartphones and gamifying learning and action will improve awareness and adoption of energy-efficient behaviours. The pilot is delivering results and entering its third phase this year (2018).
Carrot Rewards is a platform promoting healthy living and public engagement that leverages behavioural economics, mobile tech and the power of loyalty programs to motivate and educate users to make better everyday lifestyle choices for themselves, their families and the planet. Created in collaboration with public sector agencies, leading Canadian health NGOs and the private sector. With over a million downloads, Carrot is driving sustainable positive behaviour change on a population scale.
The OEE established a Social Innovation "UnLab" (SIU) to test an embedded innovation model and amplify energy efficiency policy and service impacts in Canada. The SIU creates value for energy efficiency stakeholders in three ways: Building relationships and capacity for energy efficiency policy and service innovation; Generating evidence and collective learning by co-creating and testing insights and interventions; Amplifying impacts by scaling learning and implementing what works.