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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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A growing number of challenges face the province from an aging population and growing debt to successive one-term government and a disengaged public service. Given these challenges, there is a growing consensus in the public service that change is needed despite organizational structures and behaviours that favour the status quo. As a result, GNB’s “Innovation and Design services” has evolved to help public servants become better problem solvers and move towards a more human-centred…
Mi Taxi, My Cab, part of Mexico City’s App, was created to boost trust in the public cab network by making the service safer. It provides information about the drivers and the cabs' public concessions. Users can rate the trip and activate a panic button connected to the City’s Intelligence Agency, C5. Negative perceptions of safety among the public lead the Government to grasp the situation faced by drivers and users, particularly women, and thus developed the initial phase of the app,…
mVacciNation is a smartphone app to improve vaccine coverage in under-fives in the Global South by reducing drop-out rates and addressing issues in stock and management. Parents are sent text messages to remind them when their child’s appointments are, improving adherence to vaccine schedules and enabling a greater number of children to be fully immunised. All of the app's data synchronizes with the Cloud in real-time, so stock levels and fridge temperatures can even be tracked offline!
Mexicans' financial capabilities are below the average of G-20 countries, worsening their quality of life: 68% say "money is for spending", consequently 65% live from hand to mouth (OCDE, 2017). AFORTUNADA MENTE is a didactic board game for children, families and entrepreneurs to develop financial and socio-emotional capabilities. It's intuitive, agile and ludic, and promotes personal development and social impact through the game's challenges.
“Agora Falo Eu!" is an educational card game consisting of 8 question cards and 120 image cards destined for children between 7 and 13 years old. During the game, participants are invited to answer the question cards with the picture cards they are given.   The game aims to help children explore themes of citizenship and development; define their interests and identify the most suitable media to work on citizenship and civic participation; and promote engagement in democracy.
With less than a third of world researchers or STEM graduates as women, accelerating achievement of gender parity is not just a fairness argument but an economic imperative. EY and Tribal Planet have launched an innovative gamified platform that engages girls from underserved communities in fun, practical and gamified STEM learning. Through the platform, the innovation has energised public-private partnership, connecting governments and citizens to create an ecosystem of support, awareness and…
Finland is the first country in the world to allow its citizens to manage digital mandates and act on behalf of another person or organization in digital and physical services. Mandates are provided with, which is free to use for public, private and third sector service providers and end-users in Finland. The service is built and shared as an open-source and can be utilized by other countries and organisations to provide similar e-Authorization-solutions.
"Defensores" is a platform designed to provide public defenders with a tool to register allegations of torture. This project was carried out in partnership with two key actors in the subject: The Ministry of Public Defense (MDP) and the National Mechanism for Prevention against Torture (MNP). Its implementation facilitates the effective and permanent monitoring of torture by public defenders and generates qualified information for different institutions and society in general. It's the first…
Governments are facing increasingly complex problems and do not have a repeatable approach for creating solutions that meet citizens needs. Lightning Lab GovTech is a three month government accelerator programme that takes government teams through a six stage innovation process of problem discovery, solution co-design, market validation and technology integration. Through LLGovTech, government departments can create more innovative, efficient and effective solutions to better serve citizens.
“Azerishiq” OJSC has created an innovative and enhanced e-service for providing electricity of up to 150 kilowatts to the existing or under-construction buildings of entrepreneurs.  As a result of these reforms, entrepreneurs will be able to apply for an electricity connection through the One Window system online by visiting website and the entrepreneur’s business will be provided with electricity within 20 days.