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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Validation that this is an official OECD website can be found on the Innovative Government page of the corporate OECD website.

The Scenario Exploration System was developed to facilitate the application of futures thinking to policy-making originally geared at engaging EU policy-makers with foresight scenarios very easily. The tool operates as a multi-role board game that makes participants naturally grasp complex opportunities and constraints in a future-oriented perspective. Never before had a tool been able to facilitate the uptake of foresight for policy-making and systemic thinking to such an extent.
The "miDGT" mobile app allows citizens to carry a digital version of their driving license and vehicle's registration and technical certificates, as well as receive alerts and news of interest, make payments of fines or taxes and access digital services. It is the first time a digital mobile driving license or registration certificate is issued in Spain, and it helps create an ecosystem for personalized mobile services for citizens to interact with, thus simplifying bureaucratic procedures.
Approaches to corruption are generally negative and ineffective- focusing on the problems and the wrong-doers rather than the solutions and the do-gooders. Integrity Icon is a global campaign run by the Accountability Lab organisation to "name and fame" honest government officials, change the narrative around graft and rebuild trust in government through lifting up role-models. It is innovative not just in the citizen and media driven campaign itself, but in the creative ways the campaign then…
Nudge Türkiye undertook a project to increase the uptake of government subsidies by SMEs. Analysis showed our subsidies were used by a limited number of big companies, and government could reach the SMEs who need financial support the most. By interacting more closely with the firms, they clarified the pain points for the SMEs. Based on firms' feedback, organisers created a user-friendly website for explaining subsidies, and sent over 30,000 emails that used behavioural messages to nonapplicant…
SPILNO is a participatory digital democracy platform for citizens, organizations and local governments. It was created to improve communication of active citizens, acceleration of ideas, initiatives, implementation of socially important projects. A platform of interaction between government and community through the tools of e-democracy.
We created the BizLab, Human Centred Design (HCD) Training Academy to develop skills public servants will need for the future and create a citizen-centred culture in the Australian Public Service. This is not just another training course. We not only train participants in HCD tools and techniques, but we make that learning stick with our unique Alumni support system
Governments are facing increasingly complex problems and do not have a repeatable approach for creating solutions that meet citizens needs. Lightning Lab GovTech is a three month government accelerator programme that takes government teams through a six stage innovation process of problem discovery, solution co-design, market validation and technology integration. Through LLGovTech, government departments can create more innovative, efficient and effective solutions to better serve citizens.
This air quality monitoring network in Helsinki region provides information from locations of fixed monitoring stations but the network consists currently of only few monitoring locations. The project aims to produce comprehensive hyper-local air quality monitoring network including crowdsourcing portable monitors that gives citizens air quality information of the exposure to air pollution in places where they live and they travel in the city. The main beneficiaries are therefore the citizens of…
Vilawatt aims to move the energy transition forward in Viladecans through an innovative governance structure where citizens play a key role. The project has set up a public-private-citizen partnership (PPCP) that manages 4 key services: energy supply (100% renewable origin); consulting & training to increase energy awareness & energy culture; energy retrofitting of buildings; new local currency linked to energy savings.