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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The Greek education system needs about 50,000 substitute teachers every year to staff schools. In order to begin teaching,  these teachers have to travel to their district education headquarters to sign their one year contract with the state. Through the Substitute Teachers Platform, the contract is signed digitally, avoiding unnecessary travelling and allowing for the necessary information systems of the public administration to be updated in an interoperable way. This innovation thus saves…
"Plaza Mayor" is an innovative multi-channel citizen participation project used by the public administration to collect citizens' proposals. Both face-to-face and digital media were used simultaneously to give a voice to the entire Asturian population. The data analysis methodology used allows for an immediate implementation of the results obtained, as well as the reuse of the information in the future.
CopiCola tackles the problem of knowledge loss in the public sector by investing in the registration of initiatives that can inspire civil servants, facilitate processes and reduce risks. The programme identifies, records and disseminates innovative practices with the potential to be adopted in different public management contexts. Knowledge is passed from civil servant to civil servant, facilitating the connection between actors and enhancing learning from the cases recorded.
The municipality of Florianópolis and TopMed have innovated health care with the creation of Hello Health Floripa (Alô Saúde Floripa). The service is designed to fulfil the principle of universality, guaranteeing access to healthcare for 100% of the population. Using digital channels (phone or app), it connects any citizen to a health professional, 24 hours a day, without need of travelling. The innovation also organises access to health, generates savings and balance for public health. The…
Lisbon City Council is one of the 10 largest public purchasers in Portugal. The relevance of public procurement in the municipal activity led to the development of an internal portal - the Collaborative Purchasing Portal - to bring together all those who work in this area. With this Portal, the Lisbon City Council intends to foster an environment of trust, knowledge and sharing, and to strengthen the mission of its workers and the ties that unite them in a digital environment.
The Buenos Aires City Government launched Climate Action, an open data platform that brings together energy efficiency, sustainability and waste management policies to combat climate change in the city. The platform is based on transparency, co-creation, collaboration, citizen participation, accountability and innovation. BA Climate Action was co-created with civil society organizations, environmental experts and citizens.
INDECOPI, the agency of competition in Peru, has created a specialized unit called “Effective Compliance Team”, which incorporates behavioral insights (framing effect) in their communication with other government institutions. Through this innovation, the government has a cost-effective tool to incentivize compliance, ensure the understanding of other institutions about bureaucratic barriers to competition, and benefit economic agents in the market and overall, the citizens of Peru.
First platform in the industry which support standalone and integrated workflow solution for any inspection,which leads to increased efficiency,security,and accuracy of inspection operations through virtual-inspection capability that enables the inspection teams to work remotely and reduce the need for field visits and addresses some pain points which includes inconsistency in quality,time consumption and resource management.stakeholders include Inspectors, Schedulers ,System admin,inspected org
myDYPAlive is a communication channel via which DYPA employment counsellors offer consulting services to jobseekers and businesses via teleconference. It was developed in the midst of the pandemic in order to serve jobseekers and employers who could not visit the local PES services in person due to coronavirus restrictions. myDYPAlive offers interpretation in selected languages and sign language/lip reading.
The project is aimed to prevent the loss of the rights of refugee children in Türkiye due to language and translation difficulties in judicial processes. Children involved in judicial processes, translators, judges-prosecutors and other auxiliary judicial staff have benefited very much from the project. For the first time, the capacity of translators has been strengthened and the secondary trauma risks of children have been mimized.