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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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A proof of concept has been created to incorporate design techniques in many elements of a PoD's life cycle, planning for future demands and overcoming existing hurdles. The proposed strategy prioritizes the needs of persons with disabilities and helps them acquire the resources and services they need. It also helps families gain confidence in caring for a disabled kid. This helps POD engage, lead, create, and sustain life.
Trend Atlas is a digital, interactive platform with rich insights on local and global trends and emerging signals to inform strategic planning, policy development and service redesign. It reduces research time, rework and duplication by breaking down information silos with centralised data and evidence. Built by policy people who upskilled in digital, it combines automation and curation with a sustainable contributor model to create a collaborative and trusted strategic intelligence service.
The project is subject to uncovering illegal duplication in advance from overseas inflow through the AI Reading System in the process of customs clearance cooperated with Korea Customs Service. No. of uncovering illegal duplication per annum exceeds 400,000 cases and the demand for AI system is high due to lacking manpower for customs inspection and the explosive increase in importing goods. This AI system has been developed from 2020, and proving its performance in two customs office in Korea.
GovTech Edu works with the Indonesia MoECRT to build a technology ecosystem to create an irreversible transformation for Indonesia’s education system. It includes tech platforms made available for teachers, school principals, university students & practitioners, through products like Teacher SuperApp, Education Scorecard & University Internship Matchmaking Platform. With these, the transformation to improve student learning outcomes becomes more inclusive, data driven & impact-enabling at…
e-insan is an integrated platform, offering a wide range of services based on equal opportunity and accessibility for employment and lifelong professional development. In addition, it supports data-driven decision-making processes. The platform provides job and internship opportunities, online training for employees, and many contents of career development for youth and creates a talent pool with verified data. Blockchain-supported e-insan increases efficiency and transparency in HR management.
The innovation addresses bullying in schools. How to report it and how to follow it. The innovation is a tool on how to report bullying quickly and react to it effectively. Also on how to follow up and analyze data regarding bullying. The innovation lies in the use of existing tools within Google Workspace for Education and on how to use digital tools to identify and react to bullying. Many schools use Google Workspace for Education, so the innovation does not require any further investment.
The Ukraine war established a commitment to work across sectors to improve digital services to refugees. Focus on end user needs and an unbureaucratic organizational model have produced tangible results such as: Better update of address information in national register Electronic identification - access to digital services Twelve agencies worked with obstacles and bottlenecks in the refugee's user journey, with the objective of good transitions between services.
Mapo-gu created a “SOS One-Stop System” for safe bicycle path. Since there are few buildings or facilities on the bicycle path, it is difficult for users to determine their current location. The basic number plate which is installed on the bicycle path shows the path name and location number and also includes a QR image associated with the system. Through the system, people can quickly call for help in the event of an accident.
Discovery as a Service (DaaS) enables successful delivery of UK Policing Technology through standardised and outcome based discoveries to provide evidence and overcome inconsistency in project initiation. By employing user centric thinking, agile delivery, innovation, and multi-disciplinary teams, DaaS ensures new national technology initiatives provide beneficial capabilities to UK Law Enforcement so they safeguard the UK public. This service is the first of its kind in the Home Office.