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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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HubGov is an interinstitutional program of innovation in Government that has the participation of institution from the three spheres and three powers. Through a learning trail in innovation and intrapreneurship skills, each institution comes up with a complex challenge and at the end of the program presents a solution proposal to this challenge.
The Canada Learning Bond, a government education savings program providing a financial incentive to low income Canadians, turned to behavioural insights (BI) to tackle persistent low take-up. Following unsuccessful BI trials based on academic literature and expertise, we turned to Design. In a Government of Canada first, combining lessons learned from human centred design processes including stories from citizens and BI we developed outreach that significantly improved the take-up of the Bond.
AELOUS is a mid-altitude airborne maritime sensor platform which significantly increases the operating surveillance range by increasing the elevation of the monitoring systems. The Aeolus platform can effectively operate at 450m above the ship – increasing the surveillance area in excess of 11 times of what can be monitored with existing solutions. The platform can be used with multiple lifting systems and can be deployed for many hours. It is being trialled by Naval and Search&Rescue…
For policy makers, using indicators such as GDP, HDI or IWI is about trade-offs. What are the limitations of using these indicators, especially in a context riven by challenges related to sustainability and growth? Cantor's World, a multi-player computer-based game designed by Fields of View (FoV) and UNESCO-MGIEP, provides participants a first-hand immersive experience of the tension between economic growth and the country’s available natural and human capitals.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) Data Science Campus was set up to work at the frontier of data science and Artificial Intelligence (AI), to deliver research with impact and build capability across the UK public sector. We build skills and apply tools, methods and practices; creating insight to improve decision-making for public good. We work with UK and international partners, drawing on their expertise and resources, sharing the benefits of our education and research programs widely.
The Government Digital Service and the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government launched the Local Digital Declaration to support and unite local authorities around a shared understanding of good digital practice. It is a unique call to action that addresses the legacy IT contracts, isolation of procurement practices and siloed digital projects that have left local government services vulnerable to high delivery costs and low customer satisfaction for the public they serve.
Globally, public procurement is in desperate need of reform and must embrace the tools, techniques and culture of the digital age. It’s a government’s top corruption risk as it’s where money and discretion collide. The UK has begun to address this; GDS is leading the Global Digital Marketplace project, which is embedding user-centred, design-led, data-driven and open approaches across digital, data and technology planning, procurement, contracting and service delivery.
Every week millions of people use the UK government's GOV.UK website to do complex and sometimes life-changing tasks, such as learning to drive, getting a visa, or starting a business. In the past, finding the guidance, forms and online services you needed could be difficult and time-consuming. Step-by-step navigation is a new feature on GOV.UK that allows any service to be represented as a series of simple steps.
There are two projects to co-build the relationship change between administration and farmers, organised by the group “Les IdéaCteurs” : - “la parole aux jeunes” an innovative form of debate with 80 technical students to become farmers - a creative session “pour simplifier la vie des agriculteurs” organised in june 2018, with 40 people (half of farmers, half of public officers) which allowed, in a very constructive climate, to generate around 20 ideas about 3 possible axes of…
The Lab is an all-of-government neutral space enabling agencies to collaboratively innovate to make it easier for people to access government services. It's a design & development lab to experiment, drive and enable the systemic change of government for the benefit of society. We are providing a way to direct public funding to systemic improvements, horizontal efforts around shared goals, capability uplift, high value reusable components and actionable innovation for all participating agencies.