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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The portal is a platform for employers who do business in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries sectors to electronically register their seasonal workers. It is directly linked to the services of the Tax Administration which enables automated generation of tax calculations which are then electronically forwarded to the employer. Seasonal workers can be registered through a mobile phone application which represents the first-ever mobile phone application of any Serbian Government Agency.
Public sector agencies are generating more video/image data but much of the data is not leveraged due to the high overheads and custom requirements in processing video. The VAS platform provides easy access to a spectrum of in-house and industry developed video analytics capability as well as model prototyping capabilities for agency use cases. The key innovation focus on bringing together a scalable platform, lowering the barrier of entry for usage of video analytics, empowering the pub
Governments have relied largely on public sector units (PSUs) to set up EV charging stations, failing to leverage the private sector to invest in charging networks at scale. Delhi has implemented a PPP model which is unique in its structure, design process and the criteria used for bidding. Delhi’s approach of setting up 900 charging points at 100 locations in private-public partnership (PPP) mode with a tariff as low as ₹2 per unit (less than 3 US cents) could offer a model to emulate.
The eBox Citizen is a digital mailbox in which Belgian citizens can receive official documents from Belgian public instances at every level. Given the complex nature of Belgium’s federal state structure, the deployment of such a centralized eBox has proven to be a crucial step in the continuous digitalization of public services in Belgium. It got an enormous boost throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, as the quickest way for citizens to receive an invitation for their vaccination was via their…
TCS is part of the Government Data Architecture initiative to enable secure data sharing and usage across public service, built upon an integrated data management framework that manages the data lifecycle effectively from acquisition to destruction. It is a one-stop central sensor data platform that provides end-to-end data sharing services with exploitation environment.
New Zealand wants our small businesses to be the most digitally enabled in the world. Digital Boost helps owners and employees to build confidence and skills to digitally transform their businesses. Cynefin complexity theory, agile programme development, and public-private partnerships are used to deliver easily accessible learning and services. This includes bespoke playlists of video content, online diagnostic tools, peer-learning support and free or discounted digital equipment or services.…
A proof of concept has been created to incorporate design techniques in many elements of a PoD's life cycle, planning for future demands and overcoming existing hurdles. The proposed strategy prioritizes the needs of persons with disabilities and helps them acquire the resources and services they need. It also helps families gain confidence in caring for a disabled kid. This helps POD engage, lead, create, and sustain life.
Trend Atlas is a digital, interactive platform with rich insights on local and global trends and emerging signals to inform strategic planning, policy development and service redesign. It reduces research time, rework and duplication by breaking down information silos with centralised data and evidence. Built by policy people who upskilled in digital, it combines automation and curation with a sustainable contributor model to create a collaborative and trusted strategic intelligence service.
In May 2021, the Municipality of Ate, was facing issues with their service to its neighbour's due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Because of this, our strategic partner FEMULP connected us with Ate, area that requested GovLink the implementation of a pilot to perform public opinion poll, in order to gather relevant information para about priority issues for the community, so as to improve the municipal responses facing the Covid-19 and focus the attention on women to generate a solidarity economy.
Project Sampoorna, successfully implemented in Bongaigaon district of Assam, is a model that can be easily implemented anywhere in reducing child malnutrition. This project has resulted in reduction of malnutrition in children by 95.6 % within 1 year in Bongaigaon district using very less economic investment. It is an initiative for tackling SAM and MAM by using Weight for Height growth chart & Empowering Mothers by employing Buddy Mother concept along with community participation.