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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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In Estonia, there are a number of people who do not know how to speak the official language well enough. This prevents people from finding a better job, participating in Estonian cultural life, communicating with Estonians, and finding personal fulfilment. The goal of the project was to understand the needs of an adult language learner to then know how to organize language education for them so that it helps them better acquire the Estonian language. As a result, a common agreement that improves…
The UAE Pass includes a ‘digital vault’, powered by blockchain technology, for storing users’ digital documents and sharing them with government departments for completing their transactions quickly without the need to provide paper documents. Users can request a digital version of their official documents and use them securely, to get services from service providers when needed. This feature eliminates the need for physical documents and visits, saving you time and effort.
In Türkiye, not every student has an equal opportunity to access the resources to have sufficient information about career planning. YTNK TV is a free-to-use digital training platform that supports young people's career development within the framework of equal opportunity through various training programs and live broadcast recordings. It raises their awareness about their careers and enables them to make career choices per their qualifications. The entirely free platform fosters young…
As part of a comprehensive strategy for the Digital Transformation of Health services in Greece, IDIKA which is a supervised body of the Ministry of Digital Governance, developed the myHealth mobile application. Via myHealth mobile app, citizens have access to their health data. MyHealth app introduces a set of modern health services to Greek citizens, reduces bureaucracy, ensures transparency, and lays the foundations for the development of new health and social security digital services.
“Sperimentazione Italia” is a horizontal sandbox that allows companies, universities, research bodies, university startups and spin-offs from any sector (except excluded areas of application) to test pilot projects in the field of digitalisation and technological innovation, by derogating regulatory constraints. The main objective is to conduct live experiments in a controlled environment under the regulator’s supervision and collect data to promote future-proof regulations.
The Greek Ministry of Digital Governance introduced digital vaults to gradually abandon a paper-based public administration (PA) and facilitate user-friendly e-services regardless of how the PA back office operates (fully online or paper-based). This free-of-charge digital inbox allows the exchange of verified e-documents in a secure, traceable way, valid in digital and paper format. As customizable and reusable building blocks, the vaults help reduce administrative burdens.
Engativa's Town Hall developed “miengativapp”, a web-type application that was implemented to support process management. It was implemented because of the pandemic as a tool to manage the office remotely. It benefits around 300 professionals in the development of their work, creating agility, organization, and transparency in information handling, paired with a unique approach to public administration in the city at a local level.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution brings many opportunities, but also new challenges for public administration. The online training for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: New Technologies, teaches public servants and private sector employees the basics of AI, Blockchain, Virtual Reality, IoT, 3D printing, Robots, Drones and the Digital Economy. Through quizzes, games and many illustrative examples, participants can immerse themselves into the modern world of emerging technologies, which is crucial…
The Machinery Price Catalogue is an electronic tool designed by the Rural Support Service of Latvia (RSS) to make purchases of machinery and equipment for farmers more simple and convenient. The Catalogue facilitates the beneficiaries' procurement process for the purchase of machinery and equipment. For beneficiaries, there is no procurement procedure required and it is now easy to choose the appropriate machinery for the farm, evaluating its capacity and pricing. The approach also reduces time…
My High School Portal is dedicated to all services related to completing primary education and enrollment in secondary education. It enables parents to perform all activities paperless online, while previously they had to go to 7 different places. This year, it provided electronic service for 67,000 pupils and parents, who completed all essential steps of the final examination from primary education, applying for enrolment tests, accessing results and performing enrolment, entirely online.