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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture in Saudi Arabia proudly introduces the innovative mobile application called Livestock Chain as a groundbreaking solution leveraging Blockchain technology to effectively manage livestock data within the all country regions. This visionary application is designed to preserve the rich heritage of livestock while offering a secure mechanism for data storage and retrieval, by assigning each livestock a unique identifier.
Baia Mare has developed a community-driven approach to decontaminate heavy metal-polluted land using plants, addressing a critical public health issue. The project combines phytoremediation, smart mapping technology, and a digital reward system to encourage environmental action and sustainable development. This innovative model empowers citizens, improves urban health, and creates new green economic opportunities.
The SMART LIDAR System uses advanced scanning lidar technology to monitor air quality in real-time and detect pollutants accurately. It helps identify and enforce against illegal emissions, reducing environmental pollution. Affordable and scalable, it offers an innovative solution for air quality monitoring.
Rainlevelr is a joint approach to reduce the risk of flooding. By utilizing the water basins of horticultural companies, the Delfland horticultural area can absorb heavier downpours, thus preventing flooding for both the businesses and the surrounding area. In Rainlevelr, regional authorities, ‘Glastuinbouw Nederland’ and horticultural companies collaborate closely. The uniqueness of this innovation lies in the collaboration among various stakeholders involved in the use of water buffers…
BUPi, is a one-stop shop, developed to integrate different sources of information about property ownership and land management, gathering knowledge on the, until now, unknown land areas and sharing this knowledge with several government agencies in order to create economic and social value for citizens and for the country. BUPi ensures a simple and digital solution that citizens can use to identify and geo-reference their properties, according to the once-only principle.
Marea Digital allows citizens to report local problems to the government, as well as local initiatives that are working for the communities’ well-being. Contrary to similar kind of initiatives, it’s innovative because it uses tech to allow the citizens to aggregate data about their communities’ problems, but also includes an offline strategy for the local government to design solutions with the citizens to solve the problems reported, fostering dialogue and collaboration to solve…
The Madinati platform aims to address the problem of random disposal of waste, as well as the adoption of improper practices in waste management, such as mixing waste, and its negative environmental and health effects on society. The Madinati platform helps entities to introduce accountabilities on the municipal waste generators in all sectors against the waste they produce. It helps in building a comprehensive knowledge-base with much higher accuracy to support strategical decision making.
Madrid Móvil is Madrid City Council's commitment to bringing citizens closer to and facilitating their use of and access to municipal services and interaction with the Administration through an app. Madrid Móvil is a one-stop shop through which citizens can carry out all their administrative procedures, request services in sports centres, workshops and cultural activities, as well as communicate warnings and incidents related to city services. The application has achieved 1 million warnings…
Emilia-Romagna’s Digital Agenda led a significant innovation process for public administration decision-making. The process resulted in a co-design phase with local administrations to structure and publish online the first geo-referenced regional Observatory on ultra-broadband connectivity in Italy. Multi-stakeholder participation made it possible to identify and highlight the various strengths and weaknesses of the tool, enabling its optimisation.