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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The Korean government has implemented a program dubbed the One-stop Customized Lifecycle Services (OCLS) for heirs and expectant mothers, which was created by integrating existing services. With the OCLS in place, people no longer have to visit multiple government offices and they can take care of various issues at once. The government has also benefited from reduced costs and plans to emulate this success in other areas.
The State Environmental Service of the Republic of Latvia has invented mobile application for reporting environmental violations. The purpose of this app is to increase awareness on environmental problems and make reporting much easier for society. Users can apply environmental complains using mobile application and keep tracking solution of the problem.
The Digital Mobile Key is the Portuguese mobile eID solution, for secure authentication in public & private websites. Instead of relying on different usernames/passwords for each entity, or using their eID Card, citizens now use the Digital Mobile Key, made of a single 4 digits PIN + an OTP(by SMS, email or messaging platform), or a push notification (Digital Mobile Key app) In addition to authentication, Digital Mobile Key also allows digital signatures, both in a personal or a professional…
Asan Imza is the world’s fastest growing national digital identity in the form of Mobile-ID, which is secure, trusted and issued by the government of Azerbaijan. Based on PKI (a public key infrastructure) it is an irreplaceable tool empowering across all sectors, from public to private, including financial institutions and Mobile Network Operators, allowing to digitally verify your identity and create signatures equal to handwritten counterparts, regulated by law.
The Michigan Economic Development Corp (MEDC) teamed up with private partner Patronicity to launch a first of its kind crowd-granting program to help create vibrant communities throughout Michigan. The crowdgranting model streamlines the granting process, increases community engagement and results in more sustainable projects that better serve and impact the communities they are within. Of the 170 completed projects, 165 of them exceeded their crowdfunding goal at a ratio of total private…
Korean government has been calling for the innovation of education and training system to narrow the gap between school education and employers’ requirements and to address the high youth unemployment rate issue. The Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Human Resources Development Service of Korea introduced the Work-Learning Dual System in 2013. It was adopted to get rid of mismatches between school education and workplaces based on the National Competency Standards led by companies.
The reason for the development and launch of our e-solutions was to facilitate the collection of initiatives and proposals to eliminate administrative burdens and review their implementation in one place. Our innovation provides users with an on-line one-stop-shop solution, where they receive all information about activities in eliminating administrative burdens and preparing better legislation, and enables systematic collection, resolution and monitoring of implementation of proposals.
Two decades ago, 80% of Indonesia’s timber exports consisted of illegally-sourced wood. In order to combat this problem and to promote more sustainable forest management, the Government of Indonesia developed an innovative multi-stakeholder approach to ensure that wood products and raw materials would only be obtained or come from sources whose origins and management were legal and sustainable. Thus, the Timber Legality Assurance System (Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu – SVLK) was born.
The Health Office launched a partnership Strategy program to promote the uptake of midwives and health facilities, establishing a synergy between Shamans and Village Midwives. The results of this problem have cut by more than half the maternal mortality rate during child birth.