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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Smart School Nutrition (Alimentação Escolar Inteligente - AEI) is a web application and platform that supports school to avoid food waste and contributes to a balanced school nutrition through its intelligent menu creation and food stock management assistant. According to Brazil without Hunger (Brasil sem Fome), there are 33 million families suffering from hunger and 125 million living with food insecurity. This is happening in a context where one third of the world's food is being wasted…
The Greek education system needs about 50,000 substitute teachers every year to staff schools. In order to begin teaching,  these teachers have to travel to their district education headquarters to sign their one year contract with the state. Through the Substitute Teachers Platform, the contract is signed digitally, avoiding unnecessary travelling and allowing for the necessary information systems of the public administration to be updated in an interoperable way. This innovation thus saves…
Every day, civil servants and officials are confronted with many voluminous documents that need to be reviewed and applied according to the information requirements of a specific task. This is the case when making decisions, drafting legislation and policies, reviewing legislation and policies, assessing the impact of legislation and policies, carrying out various analyses, describing data sources and services, and many other tasks. To enhance the processing efficiency and comprehensive analysis…
The Unique Scholarship Portal (Portal Único de Becas “Beca tu Futuro”) is a web platform that aims to concentrate all scholarship opportunities in a single portal. In this way, it documents and manages everything from the publication of the call for applications to the awarding of scholarships. The portal benefits all the citizens of the Dominican Republic who wish to apply for a scholarship. Moreover, the portal serves as a management tool for the scholarships' evaluators and the…
Emilia-Romagna’s Digital Agenda led a significant innovation process for public administration decision-making. The process resulted in a co-design phase with local administrations to structure and publish online the first geo-referenced regional Observatory on ultra-broadband connectivity in Italy. Multi-stakeholder participation made it possible to identify and highlight the various strengths and weaknesses of the tool, enabling its optimisation.
Prioritization of projects and initiatives is often challenging and traditionally requires significant investment in administrative time and effort. The Town of Aurora has created a process that automates the prioritization of projects through an algorithm that scores projects based on Service Improvement, Financial Viability, Reputation Improvement and Ease of Implementation.
The Preventive Audit in Contracts: Expense, Bidding and Adhesion Analysis System, Sistema Analisador de Gastos, Editais de Licitações e Adesões (ANGELICA) is a robotic automation process (RPA - Robotic Process Automation) based on software, built in Phyton, developed with the objective of monitoring the acquisitions of goods, contracting of services, and budgetary, financial and patrimonial execution. It is based on pre-established criteria, initially within the scope of the organs and…
The NSW Government has developed a whole of government spatial tool to improve planning and pre-development processes. The tool modernises the traditional approach to strategic planning, site assessment & land use evaluation and provides user friendly access to GIS capabilities where multiple agencies can work together on a project in NSW public sector. Through this, government agencies are enabled to make faster, better informed, more transparent and consistent decisions on NSW land.
The provision of European funding for economic recovery after the pandemic favored the provision of significant aid to citizens that needed to be managed quickly to ensure financial sustainability. Previously, this was done manually, which caused difficulties in resolving them in due time and form. For this reason, the aid robotization process was implemented to speed up the procedures, releasing administrative burdens and responding to citizens' requests in an agile and efficient way.
First platform in the industry which support standalone and integrated workflow solution for any inspection,which leads to increased efficiency,security,and accuracy of inspection operations through virtual-inspection capability that enables the inspection teams to work remotely and reduce the need for field visits and addresses some pain points which includes inconsistency in quality,time consumption and resource management.stakeholders include Inspectors, Schedulers ,System admin,inspected org