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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Measuring motorcycle helmet use is critical for countries to target enforcement and measure the impact of new laws for road safety for motorcyclists. Current methods to measure helmet use are time-consuming and costly and involve roadside observation and review of hospital records. This novel method, using street imagery and crowdsourcing internet marketplaces, has the ability to revolutionize how this life-saving intervention is measured by dramatically reducing time and cost.
The imIN-hub aims to envision health services for the citizen of tomorrow. It focuses on developing and adapting towards innovation products, services and training in the areas of eHealth, ICT, Mobile, AI, and Robotics. The project aims to take targeted actions to achieve a digital health model closer to citizens at every stage of their life. The imIN-hub seeks to be the backbone of health innovation in Portugal while working on internal innovation of the national public health company (SPMS)…
The Paraguayan government has designed and is executing its first National Innovation Strategy using a participatory approach. The intention is to co-design an Innovation Strategy by unifying different government sectors, the civil society, academia, and the private sector. This interactive process employs new and innovative strategies to include the community into the policymaking and agenda-setting process.
Impact Canada is a whole-of-government effort that deploys outcomes-based policy and program approaches. It features a novel set of rules, processes, and supports to allow the Government of Canada to support innovative methods like challenges, pay-for-success funding, and behavioural insights, which previously faced significant barriers to adoption. Through these systems-level changes, the Government can now apply these approaches to produce better outcomes for citizens and create greater public
Public education systems around the world are struggling to find their way to innovate. Top-Down reforms have failed to achieve the needed transformation. Mifras has created and successfully implemented an innovative model to transfer schools into hubs of educational innovation. With a focus on supporting school administrators to establish an intrapreneurial culture and ensure sustainability of innovation developed for continued creation of relevant education ventures at their schools.
The initiative aims at overcoming poor-quality broadband in specific city neighbourhoods in the Reggio Emilia area by allowing access to the Metropolitan Area Network (the broadband network owned by the public administrations of Emilia-Romagna). The system was put in place through the instalment and operation of broadband wireless infrastructures by Neighbourhood Social Centres acting as broadband providers for citizens and businesses of their respective areas.
Japan has been confronting many social issues such as child poverty, isolation, or deterioration of local communities. Non-profit organizations and the private sector are working to address social issues, but most of them are facing chronic shortage of money and staff. A new initiative was started in 2019, utilising dormant bank deposits for providing support to address social issues to which the national and local governments cannot respond one by one.
Israel Unlimited helps people with disabilities experience life independently by providing them options for independent living in the community. Supported Housing and Expanded Supported Housing offer participants support and practical mentoring every step of the way in obtaining independent living opportunities. Affordable Housing holds the promise of a long term, stable home, and Smart Homes utilizes technological solutions to enhance personal safety and autonomy.
Surviving family members of unexpected deaths (accidents, murders, suicide) are often ill equipped to process pain, cope with daily functions, fulfill social roles and maintain health. Finding one's own spiritual resources in such crises can be immensely helpful. This pilot program integrates spiritual support responses into Israel’s Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs’ Sudden Loss and Bereavement Centers and targets parents in order to build and enhance family resilience and well-being.
Despite a growing elderly population, there is currently little articulated-demand or offerings in Israel by way of community-based services preserving functional ability in old age. This innovation from the JDC Eshel addresses this, by integrating digital tools and an inter-organizational work process, including: • A digital system providing personally adapted information on services in geographical area and recommendations for successful aging. • A multi-disciplinary and…