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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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TOMI is a network of interactive street kiosks that allow every citizen to freely use public services on-the-go, in a simple, fast and convenient way, while performing their daily routines on the city streets. By using TOMI, people can search for a specific public entity/service, choose the one that’s closer to their current location and take a virtual queue ticket to a given public service, with the possibility to require an SMS alert when their queue number is approaching.
« DK Plus de Mobilité » is an ambitious transportation policy led by the Dunkirk Urban District Council. This project aims to increase the share (less than 7%) of public transit in the Dunkirk area (200 000 inhabitants). The main challenge and specificity of this project – developed in consultation with local population - consists in combining the upgrading and modernization of transport infrastructures with the implementation of free public transport for all.
Reliable transportation is the primary barrier to stable employment for shift workers. Our solution leverages existing technology to provide “transportation as a benefit” through an integrated network of on-demand transportation options. We will quantify savings for employers due to reduced turnover and increased employee productivity, incentivizing them to fund the program long-term.
The justice system is fundamental for democracy. To ensure citizen confidence, to transparent all its actions and to ensure the legitimacy of judicial decisions, the Judicial Branch joined the worldwide effort to promote open government partnership with the creation of an institutional policy of Open Justice, unique in the region, which promotes judicial management based on transparency, citizen participation and institutional collaboration. It will benefit all users of the Judicial Branch.
2018 was the year of reflection on the future of Europe. In order to understand the hopes and fears of citizens of Latvia regarding the future of European Union, more than 1500 citizens have been engaged in consultations that took place both in the regions of Latvia and online. Consultations were co-organized by state institutions and civil society organisations using various experimental formats.
The Korea Power Exchange (KPX) set students and parents as policy targets and systematically connected electricity-saving activities with the performance of volunteer hours which reflected in grades of school students. This program, which estimates electricity savings as a service rather than money, is leading to changes in consciousness that are perceived as social values in the future. The People's Virtual Power Plant will eventually be fused with advanced technology (blockchain, AI, big data)…
Patient Centricity empowers individuals with their own data through the use of innovative technology, making them the principle stakeholder in the health eco-system. The Icelandic Directorate of Health, in partnership with, has enabled a world first national patient-centric system by enabling individuals to download a copy of their data to a secure personal library which they own and control. This can then be accessed on demand by the individual from any device.
The Free Education platform is an open and collaborative learning space that seeks to awake the interest of Brazilian youth in their personal and professional development. It is a free, open platform, and its practical, interactive content is especially directed at lower income youths (between the ages of 16-24), that have not completed high school and do not have the necessary skills to find employment or interest in continuing their studies through formal education.
Social innovations offer many new solutions to today’s challenges. Yet, they encounter difficulties in becoming known. Social innovation Crossroad offers a precise vision of social innovations in France. To do so, a search engine gives access to 5000 projects already capitalized by 50 actors. Financers, coaches, academics and projects holders now get reliable information, automatically up-to-date and enter a new community. Small as well as big projects are highlighted the same way.