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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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It is easier to be said than done, but we have taken the first step and committed to inter-ministerial cooperation to support inclusion in sport. Together with the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities and the Slovenian Judo Federation, as the first in a series of sports organisations, we have signed an agreement to support vulnerable groups to integrate into mainstream sport environments.
Farishte Dilli Ke (Hindi for Saviours of Delhi) uses innovative fiscal and non-fiscal incentives to encourage citizens to become Good Samaritans by helping victims of road traffic accidents, thermal burns and acid attacks without the fear of legal hassle or police enquiry. Under this scheme, the victims receive cashless treatment at any registered public or private nursing home or hospital across Delhi benefitting more than 18,919 people in the last 5 years.
Seocho-gu is the first district in Korea to offer a service like the “Seocho BookPayback Service” (hereafter, “BookPayback”), which reduces the waiting time for popular library books. A full refund is provided for a book purchased from a local bookstore that is returned (to the bookstore) within three weeks, after which the book is sent to a library in Seocho-gu. It is an innovative library service that allows residents to use library resources whenever needed, regardless of time or…
A proof of concept has been created to incorporate design techniques in many elements of a PoD's life cycle, planning for future demands and overcoming existing hurdles. The proposed strategy prioritizes the needs of persons with disabilities and helps them acquire the resources and services they need. It also helps families gain confidence in caring for a disabled kid. This helps POD engage, lead, create, and sustain life.
Project Sampoorna, successfully implemented in Bongaigaon district of Assam, is a model that can be easily implemented anywhere in reducing child malnutrition. This project has resulted in reduction of malnutrition in children by 95.6 % within 1 year in Bongaigaon district using very less economic investment. It is an initiative for tackling SAM and MAM by using Weight for Height growth chart & Empowering Mothers by employing Buddy Mother concept along with community participation.
The innovation addresses bullying in schools. How to report it and how to follow it. The innovation is a tool on how to report bullying quickly and react to it effectively. Also on how to follow up and analyze data regarding bullying. The innovation lies in the use of existing tools within Google Workspace for Education and on how to use digital tools to identify and react to bullying. Many schools use Google Workspace for Education, so the innovation does not require any further investment.
Officina is a lab for innovation in the public sector whose main objective is to catalyse the energy of young talents by offering them a transformative training programme. Officina was developed to address a triple urgency: future decision makers not perceiving the public sector as an attractive workplace; the public sector having high average age workforce and lack of innovative approaches; society at large needing a more modern and appealing public sector in this key historical moment.
The Transparency+ Portal is a digital platform of the Portuguese state, where citizens can access easy-to-read and updated information on public spending in an accessible way, combining data science and storytelling. Launched in 2021, the platform is now a reference resource for monitoring European funds, State and local budgets, and public contracts. In a world often perceived through lens of mis/disinformation, Transparency+ is building trust by nurturing civic engagement and open government.
A lot of innovative activities are carried out by Dutch and other governments. Unfortunately, the impact is limited. Innovations are stand alone projects, not implemented or scalable within primary processes. This reference model supports the implementation of an innovation management system for governments. The starting point is an Innovation Maturity Scan. Tooling, training and handouts are available supporting a social and process innovation transition at governmental organizations.
MedeINN arose from the need to innovate in the government sector, in a city that had been developing its innovation capabilities in all other sectors. For this reason, and under Innovative State premise, we seek to connect the Mayor's Office of Medellín´s challenges with entrepreneurs and researchers capacities. This has been achieved after a redesign of a Public Procurement for Innovation methodology, which enables Open Innovation in the government sector.