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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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To provide a systematic approach for initiating and tracking collaborative development processes over time and inform investment decisions in multi-stakeholder environments, Future by Lund (FBL) has implemented a new model for innovation ecosystem portfolio tracking (LIEPT). The model benefits partnering stakeholders by building strategic competence for scaling solutions and working with innovation portfolios as an approach for governing and developing the ecosystem’s priority areas.
IQed (Inquiries/Questions in education) utilizes cutting-edge Democratic Technology in classrooms for the purpose of empowering students and educators in Digital Literacy, Civic Literacy, Dynamic Engagement, Critical Thinking/Problem-Solving Skills and Global Competency Education. IQed enables every student to use their personal devices to explore, investigate and become informed on issues of governance and global matters, so that their voice can positively impact local and global communities.
The AJSC has developed a new model to measure the determinants of the ‘quality of life’ in Ajman, covering six key areas of public service. The Model comprises a comprehensive factor measurement framework embedded on a sophisticated web-based application, with inbuilt protocols for scientific data collection, project management, data visualization and reporting. It systematically measures gaps and impact of interventions, via targeted performance assessment of framework factors. (which translates to »you are young«) portal captures key information for the young people from the government departments, the youth sector and the non-governmental organizations - all in one place. In addition, all information on the portal is contributed by the young people themselves, i.e. “YOUNG PEOPLE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE”. At the same time, a communication network through social networks (FB, IG, TikTok) is in place and works in connection with the portal.
In Kenya, it remains difficult for both watchdogs and citizens to understand how financial resources are utilised since it decentralised services from national to county-level governments in 2013. PesaYetu is a data visualisation website designed to easily explore, interpret and report on budget-driven stories affecting counties. The primary audience is researchers and journalists who want to empower citizens at the county level to engage their leaders on issues concerning policy and governance
The eBox Citizen is a digital mailbox in which Belgian citizens can receive official documents from Belgian public instances at every level. Given the complex nature of Belgium’s federal state structure, the deployment of such a centralized eBox has proven to be a crucial step in the continuous digitalization of public services in Belgium. It got an enormous boost throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, as the quickest way for citizens to receive an invitation for their vaccination was via their…
KSPO has created the SOLF, Seoul Olympic Legacy Forum as a platform where Olympic legacy entities from all around the world gather for the first time to share and collaborate on sustainable development plans for the Olympic Legacy. Through the SOLF, Olympic legacy entities communicated and cooperated with each other to solve the long-term social problems after the Olympic games and to deliver intangible legacy of Olympic spirit and world peace to future generations.
Tertius has resulted in massive productivity gains for the building industry in DC, enabling developers & property owners to book (at a nominal cost) certified third party agency inspections. Outcome: Far more efficient matching of demand & supply for permit inspections, substantially reducing turnaround times. Tertius has driven revenue to the taxpayers, increased regulatory oversight, increased safety in the building community, saving property owners and developers thousands of dollars.
e-insan is an integrated platform, offering a wide range of services based on equal opportunity and accessibility for employment and lifelong professional development. In addition, it supports data-driven decision-making processes. The platform provides job and internship opportunities, online training for employees, and many contents of career development for youth and creates a talent pool with verified data. Blockchain-supported e-insan increases efficiency and transparency in HR management.
The innovation is a new and comprehensive awareness program to apprise the public of the existing policy and legal framework in which they operate in Lebanon, through the mapping of existing laws and decrees, by topics and sectors. The aim is to understand the existing framework as a first step in working toward a just one. This empowers public officials and citizens with the right information to establish rule of law and accountability and to flag out gaps, inconsistencies and required reforms.