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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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As part of a comprehensive strategy for the Digital Transformation of Health services in Greece, IDIKA which is a supervised body of the Ministry of Digital Governance, developed the myHealth mobile application. Via myHealth mobile app, citizens have access to their health data. MyHealth app introduces a set of modern health services to Greek citizens, reduces bureaucracy, ensures transparency, and lays the foundations for the development of new health and social security digital services.
Engativa's Town Hall developed “miengativapp”, a web-type application that was implemented to support process management. It was implemented because of the pandemic as a tool to manage the office remotely. It benefits around 300 professionals in the development of their work, creating agility, organization, and transparency in information handling, paired with a unique approach to public administration in the city at a local level.
My High School Portal is dedicated to all services related to completing primary education and enrollment in secondary education. It enables parents to perform all activities paperless online, while previously they had to go to 7 different places. This year, it provided electronic service for 67,000 pupils and parents, who completed all essential steps of the final examination from primary education, applying for enrolment tests, accessing results and performing enrolment, entirely online.
The inability to interoperate between different information technology (IT) systems has urged the Cambodian government to develop Cambodia Data eXchange (CamDX). CamDX is a unified yet decentralized data exchange layer between IT systems which offers a secure way to provide and consume services, ensures confidentiality, integrity and interoperability between many different data exchange parties. Whether you are a service consumer or provider, you benefit from CamDX in one way or another.
In order to solve the problem of waste accumulation in the city of Nablus, an application was created for drivers of cars affiliated with the Solid Waste Department of Palestine. Many areas in Palestine face the challenge of accumulation of waste in commercial areas, which affects citizens who use the area, and causes traffic congestion during the waste collection process due to the lack of specific paths that take into account the shortest road, priority streets, and waste collection times. The…
With the aim of improving the experience and the quality of responses to requests, the Government of Buenos Aires unified its existing channels, working under the omnichannel criteria, and in February 2019, a responsive and helpful chatbot arrived on WhatsApp: Boti. The chatbot has achieved a record of 11 million conversations in January 2022 and a monthly average of 5 million. It has become a preferred channel for citizens in Buenos Aires when it comes to managing procedures, requests and…
The implementation of the OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) methodology in the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) was developed to address performance management, transparency, and team clarity and coordination issues. OKRs have benefited the organization by providing a structured framework to set, track, and measure objectives, thus improving accountability and goal alignment. This marks the first experience of implementing this approach in the Ukrainian public sector, drawing…
Singapore has set its sights on becoming a world-class, tech-driven city-state, and it is doing so through the Smart Nation ambition, which seeks to harness technology to bring benefits from digital transformation in society, economy and government to how people and businesses live, work and play. The Open Digital Platform (ODP) is a key component in the digital infrastructure underpinning Singapore’s Smart Nation ambition. The ODP takes an integrated masterplan approach from the ground up,…
The Unique Scholarship Portal (Portal Único de Becas “Beca tu Futuro”) is a web platform that aims to concentrate all scholarship opportunities in a single portal. In this way, it documents and manages everything from the publication of the call for applications to the awarding of scholarships. The portal benefits all the citizens of the Dominican Republic who wish to apply for a scholarship. Moreover, the portal serves as a management tool for the scholarships' evaluators and the…
Emilia-Romagna’s Digital Agenda led a significant innovation process for public administration decision-making. The process resulted in a co-design phase with local administrations to structure and publish online the first geo-referenced regional Observatory on ultra-broadband connectivity in Italy. Multi-stakeholder participation made it possible to identify and highlight the various strengths and weaknesses of the tool, enabling its optimisation.