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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The NSW Government has developed a whole of government spatial tool to improve planning and pre-development processes. The tool modernises the traditional approach to strategic planning, site assessment & land use evaluation and provides user friendly access to GIS capabilities where multiple agencies can work together on a project in NSW public sector. Through this, government agencies are enabled to make faster, better informed, more transparent and consistent decisions on NSW land.
To provide a systematic approach for initiating and tracking collaborative development processes over time and inform investment decisions in multi-stakeholder environments, Future by Lund (FBL) has implemented a new model for innovation ecosystem portfolio tracking (LIEPT). The model benefits partnering stakeholders by building strategic competence for scaling solutions and working with innovation portfolios as an approach for governing and developing the ecosystem’s priority areas.
The AJSC has developed a new model to measure the determinants of the ‘quality of life’ in Ajman, covering six key areas of public service. The Model comprises a comprehensive factor measurement framework embedded on a sophisticated web-based application, with inbuilt protocols for scientific data collection, project management, data visualization and reporting. It systematically measures gaps and impact of interventions, via targeted performance assessment of framework factors.
Lisbon Municipality aims for more innovation and sustainability in Public Procurement. Urgency and specifications' complexity are excuses for not considering sustainability in tenders and barriers to attracting innovative SMEs and startups. The innovative approach involved users designing and developing the Procurement Planning Platform, using a rapid development tool, cloud-based, and agile methods, which selects and supports a project-led approach for deploying new procurement strategies.
The Evaluation Task Force (ETF) ensures evidence and evaluation sits at the heart of UK government spending decisions - any area routinely highlighted for improvement. ETF activity drives continuous improvements in the way programmes are evaluated to inform decisions on whether they should be continued, expanded, modified or stopped. It brings the same approach to the social sciences as medicine uses, fostering a culture of experimentation, learning and rigour.
New Zealand wants our small businesses to be the most digitally enabled in the world. Digital Boost helps owners and employees to build confidence and skills to digitally transform their businesses. Cynefin complexity theory, agile programme development, and public-private partnerships are used to deliver easily accessible learning and services. This includes bespoke playlists of video content, online diagnostic tools, peer-learning support and free or discounted digital equipment or services.…
The innovation is a new and comprehensive awareness program to apprise the public of the existing policy and legal framework in which they operate in Lebanon, through the mapping of existing laws and decrees, by topics and sectors. The aim is to understand the existing framework as a first step in working toward a just one. This empowers public officials and citizens with the right information to establish rule of law and accountability and to flag out gaps, inconsistencies and required reforms.
The Ukraine war established a commitment to work across sectors to improve digital services to refugees. Focus on end user needs and an unbureaucratic organizational model have produced tangible results such as: Better update of address information in national register Electronic identification - access to digital services Twelve agencies worked with obstacles and bottlenecks in the refugee's user journey, with the objective of good transitions between services.
Officina is a lab for innovation in the public sector whose main objective is to catalyse the energy of young talents by offering them a transformative training programme. Officina was developed to address a triple urgency: future decision makers not perceiving the public sector as an attractive workplace; the public sector having high average age workforce and lack of innovative approaches; society at large needing a more modern and appealing public sector in this key historical moment.
The rate of innovation often exceeds the speed at which regulatory systems can adapt, blurring lines between sectors and cutting across transitional regulatory and geographical boundaries. The RPF aims to keep the UK at the forefront of regulatory thinking and experimentation. It sponsors projects, led by regulators, aiming to help create a UK regulatory environment that encourages business innovation and investment. It is market-led and uses real-world innovation settings to deliver.