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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Renovate or Rebuild was a collaborative project that set out to increase the uptake of sustainable homes in the Australian residential sector. The show took an innovative approach to embed behavioural and building science into an engaging, yet informative and impactful TV series, that promoted and normalised sustainable homes. Research estimates this project could save Australians $600 million on their energy bills and would cost less than $1.60 for every tonne of greenhouse gas abated.
The Startup GOV.BR Program aims to accelerate strategic digital projects at federal government in an unprecedented and innovative way. By providing technological tools, allocating professionals and assisting them to adopt agile methodologies, it supports a 30-crosscutting-project portfolio with several federal agencies. The initiative has promoted a paradigm shift in the management of public digital solutions, incentivizing agility, resilience and value generation for citizens and general users.
Shanghai Data Exchange (SDE) has initiated a new business racing track of data factor market. SDE has independently developed a data trading system named niDts Intelligent Data Trading System, which provides efficient, convenient, transparent and secure data trading services, enabling the market development of data as a production factor, and fueling the digital transformation of economy, life and governance.
Government struggles to exploit advances in science and technology that could improve public services. The UK Home Office developed a new, cost-effective model to enable start-ups, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), not-for-profits and academia to solve frontline challenges across UK government using diverse, cutting-edge capabilities and expertise. Uniquely, for UK public sector, it uses flexible, novel ways of working and commercial mechanisms to deliver mission impact at pace.
The Future Tech Challenge (FTC) is a pilot initiative led by DPER to connect and collaborate across the wider ecosystem, and engage in transformative innovation by experimenting with, and applying new technology to address pressing public sector problems and opportunities that deliver improved services to the public. Drive innovation using emerging technology, enhance collaboration, meet National strategic priorities, generate knowledge & learnings and develop prototyped solutions.
The Austin Civilian Conservation Corps (ACCC) began as a pandemic response program to help residents earn income and access green careers, and has evolved into a leading model for equitable, climate-focused workforce development. The ACCC, a collaboration with 10+ City departments and multiple community partners, has provided over 125 living-wage opportunities with supportive services, training, and career pathways for Austin’s underserved residents, and is actively shaping the green economy.
Neighborhood Joint Delivery was introduced in 2022 to solve delivery issues. Delivery volume in Seoul since 2015 has increased by about 2.8 times, causing traffic, environmental, safety and labor problems. Seoul will create regional bases that integrate services from several couriers to deliver parcels collectively, reducing distance traveled by 50% and improving efficiency by 40%. The eco-friendly bases will collect recyclables, and serve as a base for unmanned autonomous vehicles.
Challenge tenders are a new model designed to solve urging needs of the health system which usually aren't attractive enough for the start-up industry to engage in, such as fall prevention among elders, improvement of geriatric care in long term facilities and others. In order to attract digital based solutions to enter the health system, we initiated an innovative method of intervention which allows quick testing of technologies in health organization with MOH support for fast proven outcomes.
The Accountability Incubator is a creative peer learning program for young civic activists and change-makers who want to fight corruption and build accountability. It was developed to provide long-term support, networks and skills to people who are often overlooked by or left out of traditional civil society programs. It is innovative in that it uses creative tools, a long-term approach and the very latest thinking to shape governance globally.
In COMo, the CO2 concentration (CO2 = Carbon Dioxide) serves as a measure for indoor air quality and aerosol pollution; the latter correlates with the potential (COVID) viral load. Objective CO2 readings via networked sensors enable operators to control the indoor air quality and thus reduce the risk of infection for visitors. Published data allow visitors to make decisions about visiting the facility. All content is available under open source licenses (MIT, BSD, Creative Commons).