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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Louisville, like many cities, experienced a spike in homicides starting in 2016. Recent deployment of gunshot detection technology has been effective at pinpointing where and when gunshots occur. On average, police officers arrive long after the critical, first ten minute window to stabilize injuries. Placing drones strategically throughout our city, we will be able to deploy a camera to the scene within 90 seconds of when a gun is discharged and rapidly dispatch emergency medical personnel.
The Canada Learning Bond, a government education savings program providing a financial incentive to low income Canadians, turned to behavioural insights (BI) to tackle persistent low take-up. Following unsuccessful BI trials based on academic literature and expertise, we turned to Design. In a Government of Canada first, combining lessons learned from human centred design processes including stories from citizens and BI we developed outreach that significantly improved the take-up of the Bond.
The Lab is an all-of-government neutral space enabling agencies to collaboratively innovate to make it easier for people to access government services. It's a design & development lab to experiment, drive and enable the systemic change of government for the benefit of society. We are providing a way to direct public funding to systemic improvements, horizontal efforts around shared goals, capability uplift, high value reusable components and actionable innovation for all participating agencies.
Zika Mozzie Seeker (ZMS) transforms traditional presence/absence surveillance for invasive mosquito species by synchronizing citizen scientists set egg traps to provide 'early-warning' networks. Eggs from Do It Yourself ovitraps are aggregated and rapidly screened using a world-first method that can detect 'DNA' of one Aedes aegypti amongst 5,000 of the local species. Eggs from many (10-25) traps are batched into each polymerase chain (PCR) cohort, with results fed back to each participant.
Patient Centricity empowers individuals with their own data through the use of innovative technology, making them the principle stakeholder in the health eco-system. The Icelandic Directorate of Health, in partnership with, has enabled a world first national patient-centric system by enabling individuals to download a copy of their data to a secure personal library which they own and control. This can then be accessed on demand by the individual from any device.
The Government of Slovenia has developed a new approach to preparing government services and public policies. Through specially designed workshops with a 360° approach to different stakeholders, these so-called ˝Policy Jams˝ aim to develop citizen-centred policy solutions. Based on systems theories and service design principles they open up the discussion space, while gearing participants toward finding viable innovative solutions.
“Future Ready” is a project which develops young women and men computer science and entrepreneurship skills. Future Ready enables youth to develop technology solutions that addresses societal challenges and contribute to the growth of the national economy. Overall, the project bridges the gap between public education and job market needs and creating entrepreneurial opportunities for them.
Paseo Bandera is a street in the heart of Santiago that for 5 years was closed for work on the construction of the Santiago new subway line. Because of the closure, it was used for parking and passage of cars all day, being one of the worst streets in terms of quality in the center of the capital. In 2017, it was authorized for 10 months to be pedestrian. With artistic and technological innovation was possible to improve the quality of public space, accessibility, environment and mobility.
Corruption in Mexico is a daunting problem that negatively affects the lives of millions, despite the growing expenditure in fighting it. UCEx’s evidence-based innovation is an alternative solution resulted from a rigorous field experiment. It used behaviorally informed-messages sent to 157,586 real public officials to increase the reports of gifts they receive and may pose a conflict of interest.This intervention puts “a foot on the door” towards the long path of controlling corruption.
DASA finds and exploits innovations which support the defense and security of the UK to help protect our people against our adversaries, faster and more effectively whilst generating economic value for the UK. We help businesses to grow and become successful. We provide funding and other support, helping people to access end-users, develop and test their products and linking our partners together.