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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The challenge the city Ljubljana wanted to address was how to approach young people who have ideas. What works well, and what could be even better? City Incubator is a programme for the implementation of the ideas of young people in Ljubljana. It is a sustainable tool for implementation and co-financing of local youth initiatives. Individuals or groups may put ideas forward and in the frame of the programme, they receive professional support for the fine-tuning, and financial support for the…
The innovation was developed to tackle the problem of corruption in the Lithuanian healthcare sector. We conducted a Vitamin Lab experiment to find out if the change of the clinic’s environment indirectly affects the behaviour of patients, how it can influence their attitudes towards the clinic, increase transparency and reduce bribery. To our knowledge, it was one of the first initiatives to use this type of measured social design interventions in the context of healthcare sector corruption.
ProZorro.Sale is an electronic auction system aimed at transparent sales of state and local government assets. It involves a central database that conducts auctions and stores all the information about the transaction and commercial platforms connected to the database via Application Programming Interface (API). After the transaction all the information becomes public.
The Price Bank enables public procurement parties to have points of reference for price quotes for particular products, as it is a database of electronic invoices issues in Brazil. Participants narrow their search via descriptors and filters to find the right quote.
SPID (Sistema Pubblico di Identità Digitale, or Digital Identity System) is a solution for accessing public administration online services through once-only digital identity (user & password) generated by private Identity Providers. It can be used from any device (PC, tablet & smartphone) by citizens. SPID aims to improve the relationship between citizens & the public administration by expanding the digital approach in using public services.
Decidim est une plateforme numérique imaginée par la mairie de Barcelone dès 2016 pour créer et coordonner des espaces et des processus participatifs, qui vise à étendre et faciliter l’accès à la participation citoyenne en vue de la co-construction et de la co-production des politiques publiques. Il s’agit d’un projet européen open source : son code est ouvert et libre ; en d’autres termes, tout le monde peut le voir, l’utiliser, le copier ou l’enrichir.
Mental health issues affect about 1 in 10 young people in the UK. MH:2K gives young people a leadership role in solving this most important of challenges. It empowers 14-25 years old to identify the mental health issues they see as most important, engage their peers in exploring these topics, and work with decision-makers to make recommendations for change.