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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Fotocívicas is a behaviourally inspired traffic control system that relies on educational and civic fines aiming to transform drivers’ behaviour by reducing recidivism and licensing effect among offenders. It sets out to change the previous system, which was based on monetary fines with cameras placed where drivers were more prone to speed, not where more fatalities happened, without improving behaviours or road safety
Digital Lithuania Academy is an online learning platform that aims to guide the country’s public sector through the digital transformation. It seeks to immerse public servants in digital practices relevant to their work, and upgrade their professional profiles through a highly personalized learning pathway. By becoming increasingly tech-savvy, public servants have the chance to vastly increase their efficiency, find innovative ways of working, and deliver better public services to citizens.
This air quality monitoring network in Helsinki region provides information from locations of fixed monitoring stations but the network consists currently of only few monitoring locations. The project aims to produce comprehensive hyper-local air quality monitoring network including crowdsourcing portable monitors that gives citizens air quality information of the exposure to air pollution in places where they live and they travel in the city. The main beneficiaries are therefore the citizens of…
The iSPEX is a small attachment that can be fitted to any mobile phone to measure particulate matter in the air. The fact that this piece of technology empowers anyone to monitor air quality (citizen science) creates a raft of new possibilities to collect large volumes of data in a highly efficient and cost-effective manner. Aside from that, it raises awareness of particulate matter among the population.
The 3D map of the Netherlands has been available from the Dutch Land Registry Office since 2014 on an open data basis. This map is intended as a basic file that institutions from across the public and private sector can use for their purposes, such as to link data to and run analyses. It can, for example, be used to assess and calculate how wind turbines affect the local environment in terms of noise, flows of air, and the shadows they cast, but also to assess their visual impact in the…
To encourage data-driven decision making in public sector, University of Latvia and Microsoft Innovation Center developed a “Data challenge” platform and methodology. Aim of the initiative is to bring together teams of public sector officials and data analysts and in few weeks to create several AI solution prototypes for a specific public sector challenge giving the organisation an opportunity to explore innovative, data-driven solutions that they eventually can develop and implement in…
In 2016 the NEB launched the Data Visualization Initiative to face the challenge of producing usable and useful data to go beyond using new technologies to deliver better service to citizens. It created multiple products from the same information to expand public participation in the energy dialogue and enable evidence-based decision-making. These products include interactive data visualizations and other materials, such as high school lesson plans, as a new way to engage experts and nonexperts.
Our Court launched a twitter account, seeking to rebuild trust. In Argentina, the justice system is the institution with the lowest public trust. Through this account we publish every judgement, hearings, the staff resumes and the Judge's personal leaves. This is not the norm in our country and constitutes a pioneering innovation that demands deep cultural change from public servants and our users too. We improved engagement with the public and inspire other teams to deliver a more efficient…
The promotion of competition has been identified as one of the major challenges of the Public Procurement System in Colombia. Despite its importance, it was only in 2019 that a tool  allowing to effectively monitor the participation of the interested parties on the bidding processes was developed and implemented by the Colombian Procurement Agency. Thanks to this tool, participants are able to diagnose flaws, and make suggestions or requests for improvements.
Originally conceived as a planning tool, is a user-driven, web-based mapviewer focusing on the built, cultural and natural heritage around Ireland and offshore. Its potential for use by the general public was quickly realised and users can now access 700+ up-to-date heritage datasets in map-form, originally provided across many Govt. platforms. a free ‘one-stop-shop’ for heritage data and acts as a discovery portal, providing direct links to promote research.