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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The Australian Government piloted and developed MyService, a simple, intuitive and innovative digital solution significantly improving veterans' experience when accessing Health Care, Compensation, Income Support and Commemorations for war veterans, members of the Australian Defence Force, their dependants and certain members of the Australian Federal Police. It empowers veterans by helping them get the assistance they need with less stress and increased trust in the outcomes.
The Innovation Guide is an innovation lab for learning and doing within SALAR (the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions) a national members and employers’ organisation for local government in Sweden. The mission is to support public organisations who want to strengthen their employees' innovation skills and create new and better public services based on user needs. Through our unique support model with coaches all around the country we build capacity within the public sector…
This project presents the new approach in service delivery, through which we enabled deaf and hard of hearing persons to have an access to the most essential services, such as emergency call and civil registry services. Tireless engagement of deaf community in service design resulted in elaboration of user centered and People with Disabilities-tailored services, enabling beneficiaries to contact emergency services using a text-based or a video calling system and squire necessary civil documents…
A collaboration between government and community, Systemic Design eXchange (SDX) is an Edmonton-based community of practice for people interested in learning about systemic design as a methodology for addressing complex, real world issues. Together, we explore systems thinking, design thinking, and change lab approaches. With a bias towards learning by doing, SDX aims to be a watering hole where multiple sectors can come together, learn together, and act together.
The Korean government has implemented a program dubbed the One-stop Customized Lifecycle Services (OCLS) for heirs and expectant mothers, which was created by integrating existing services. With the OCLS in place, people no longer have to visit multiple government offices and they can take care of various issues at once. The government has also benefited from reduced costs and plans to emulate this success in other areas.
The reason for the development and launch of our e-solutions was to facilitate the collection of initiatives and proposals to eliminate administrative burdens and review their implementation in one place. Our innovation provides users with an on-line one-stop-shop solution, where they receive all information about activities in eliminating administrative burdens and preparing better legislation, and enables systematic collection, resolution and monitoring of implementation of proposals.
Better Reykjavik is a co-creation project of the Citizens Foundation, Reykjavik City and its citizens that connects them and improves trust and policy. It’s a platform for crowdsourcing solutions to urban challenges and has multiple democratic functions: Agenda setting, Participatory budgeting and Policymaking. Innovations include unique debating system, crowd-sourcing, submission of multimedia content and extensive use of AI to improve the user experience as well as content submitted.