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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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In the event of a life or health emergency, the most important thing is to quickly call professional services: the police, fire brigade or emergency medical services. However, people with impaired hearing or who are deaf cannot make phone calls in the event of an emergency. The mobile application Deaf Help aids a deaf person to independently inform the services that he or she needs help.
The United Nations Development Programme Lebanon used WhatsApp to conduct qualitiative surveys to listen to Syrian refugees in Lebanon dealing with conflicts with the local Lebanese community. Using Whatsapp is an effective tool for collecting qualitative data from vulnerable communities at scale. WhatsApp is widely used, with 84% of refugee households in Lebanon on WhatsApp. WhatsApp's voice message function allowed us to send survey questions as voice messages and collect people’s stories…
Reliable transportation is the primary barrier to stable employment for shift workers. Our solution leverages existing technology to provide “transportation as a benefit” through an integrated network of on-demand transportation options. We will quantify savings for employers due to reduced turnover and increased employee productivity, incentivizing them to fund the program long-term.
AELOUS is a mid-altitude airborne maritime sensor platform which significantly increases the operating surveillance range by increasing the elevation of the monitoring systems. The Aeolus platform can effectively operate at 450m above the ship – increasing the surveillance area in excess of 11 times of what can be monitored with existing solutions. The platform can be used with multiple lifting systems and can be deployed for many hours. It is being trialled by Naval and Search&Rescue…
Every week millions of people use the UK government's GOV.UK website to do complex and sometimes life-changing tasks, such as learning to drive, getting a visa, or starting a business. In the past, finding the guidance, forms and online services you needed could be difficult and time-consuming. Step-by-step navigation is a new feature on GOV.UK that allows any service to be represented as a series of simple steps.
M♡THer is a novel interactive system designed to support women throughout diagnosis of gestational diabetes to the birth of their baby. It also improves multidisciplinary care co-ordination by providing shared access to the women’s clinical information. Clinicians saw an opportunity to improve service delivery to patients, and improve care provision, particularly as referrals to GDM services dramatically increase. No other technology like this could be found, at the time of development.
The neighborhood of Seodaemun-gu in Seoul has implemented various Smart City/IoT activities: 1. The establishment of the control system of public trash bins 2. Operating the village bus information service for the safe return of residents 3. Establishment and operation of “Police security report app” for the safety of public restroom 4. Build a smart walking trail in Seodaemun An-san(An-mountain)
Animal and plant health surveillance is a part of the structure of agricultural and livestock production, including supply safety, pest and pathogen control, and certification of agro-industrial products. However, we lacked of tools that allow integration of activities and ensure agility in the transmission of the data obtained in the field. We developed an integrated system of surveillance for the inspectors to use, in the animal husbandry agency in the state of Minas Gerais, the Instituto…
The automatic filling and assessment of individual’s income tax return enables the tax return to be delivered in a simple, convenient and timely manner, as it exempts the taxpayer from any interaction except the confirmation of the pre-filled values. The tax return is fully filled out by Tax Administration with the data gathered (income and expenses) from third parties information (employers, businesses, banks, etc.) and from the individual elements declared by the taxpayer in the previous…