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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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This air quality monitoring network in Helsinki region provides information from locations of fixed monitoring stations but the network consists currently of only few monitoring locations. The project aims to produce comprehensive hyper-local air quality monitoring network including crowdsourcing portable monitors that gives citizens air quality information of the exposure to air pollution in places where they live and they travel in the city. The main beneficiaries are therefore the citizens of…
The Government Mentor Program (GMP) is an initiative started by the Government of Telangana, India, envisioned to build familiarity with the Government by bringing officials from relevant departments to mentor startups. The organisers believe that startups work on innovative solutions that have the potential to reform existing processes and services that  bodies provide. The goal of GMP is to assist entrepreneurs eyeing the Government  as a client to establish connections and seek mentorship…
USE-IT!, Unlocking Social & Economic Innovation Together!, is a whole neighbourhood approach to addressing urban poverty. It innovates by building bridges between the places, the people, the public sector, the private sector and civic society partners in a community so they can co-produce solutions to poverty that unlock opportunities and that fits their needs. By doing this, USE-IT! works by respecting what is already there in a community rather than by assuming what needs to change.
What if you were given $100 that you could use to support local candidates of your choice running for office in your community? In Seattle, more than 480,000 residents were given four $25 vouchers they could give to candidates running for local office. The goals of the program are to increase the number of residents donating to local campaigns and to encourage residents to run for local office.
CORO, Co-lab is the result of an ambitious vision of creating innovative collaborations. The local innovation platform creates new sustainable solutions to complex societal challenges. It takes place in cross-sectorial cooperation’s between public organizations, academia, civil society and businesses across industries. Through the activities, new sustainable scalable solutions are developed, using the entire area of Roskilde as a unique real-life test platform with demonstration facilities.
New products and new ways of working are needed in order to meet the future challenges in healthcare. The ability of healthcare professionals to create and innovate new products and working methods is however underutilized. Närhälsan Färgelanda, Primary Health Care Centre, has launched an innovation project in collaboration with private companies that aims at empowering healthcare professionals to create, innovate and develop new products and working methods that meet the future needs.
The State of Kansas piloted ‘Our Tomorrows,’ a novel framework to capture family experiences about thriving and surviving, to ensure that policies and practices meet the needs of families. The approach makes a large amount of data (over 2,500 narratives) directly accessible to decision-makers and the individuals who provided it. Communities make sense of patterns that emerge from stories to create a portfolio of small actions that will make Kansas the best place to raise a child.
In Banyuwangi of Indonesia, one of the districts in East Java, 16 pregnant women died in 2015, as well as 28 babies. The largest contributing factor was a lack of data concerning the existence and whereabouts of women with high-risk pregnancies. So, in 2016, Sempu Public Healthcare Center launched an innovative solution using female vegetable sellers on motorbikes as high risk pregnancy seekers. As a result, the number of women and babies dying during and/or shortly after childbirth fell to…
Dutch Reach Project (DRP) closes a serious gap in existing road safety efforts to prevent “dooring,” a common, feared & at times fatal crash caused when exiting motorists - using their near hand - suddenly throw open their car door into the path of a bicyclist or other vulnerable road user (VRU). To prevent dooring, DRP promotes the Dutch Reach (DR): reaching across to the door with the far hand to open - a much safer method. The DR project is already gaining increasing attention and being…