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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Plastics used in ships are occasionally dumped at ocean, or even if they are collected at ports, all of them are incinerated. YGPA crack down on plastic dumping at ocean and collect waste plastics from ships. And the plastics are processed into recycled polyester yarn. Since this yarn is made of ocean bound plastic, apparel makers rush to buy the yarn and make clothes with it. Through this project, we protect the environment and create added values and jobs in the process of recycling plastics.
Over 3 million citizens annually visited government offices in Delhi for various transport services. To reduce interference of middleman, application pendency and physical exposure in view of ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, faceless services have been launched to offer transport services to citizens at the comfort of their home. Using AI, e-sign, biometric-based authentication and institutional restructuring, faceless services provide hassle-free contactless services to citizens.
In Kenya, it remains difficult for both watchdogs and citizens to understand how financial resources are utilised since it decentralised services from national to county-level governments in 2013. PesaYetu is a data visualisation website designed to easily explore, interpret and report on budget-driven stories affecting counties. The primary audience is researchers and journalists who want to empower citizens at the county level to engage their leaders on issues concerning policy and governance
Farishte Dilli Ke (Hindi for Saviours of Delhi) uses innovative fiscal and non-fiscal incentives to encourage citizens to become Good Samaritans by helping victims of road traffic accidents, thermal burns and acid attacks without the fear of legal hassle or police enquiry. Under this scheme, the victims receive cashless treatment at any registered public or private nursing home or hospital across Delhi benefitting more than 18,919 people in the last 5 years.
Tertius has resulted in massive productivity gains for the building industry in DC, enabling developers & property owners to book (at a nominal cost) certified third party agency inspections. Outcome: Far more efficient matching of demand & supply for permit inspections, substantially reducing turnaround times. Tertius has driven revenue to the taxpayers, increased regulatory oversight, increased safety in the building community, saving property owners and developers thousands of dollars.
Project Sampoorna, successfully implemented in Bongaigaon district of Assam, is a model that can be easily implemented anywhere in reducing child malnutrition. This project has resulted in reduction of malnutrition in children by 95.6 % within 1 year in Bongaigaon district using very less economic investment. It is an initiative for tackling SAM and MAM by using Weight for Height growth chart & Empowering Mothers by employing Buddy Mother concept along with community participation.
Till 2017, the Ministries and govt. organizations took individual, decentralized & disintegrated initiatives to digitize public services. But most initiatives were facing challenges to provide services due to unplanned design and implementation. To overcome this, Digital Service Design Lab is an innovative method where service providers, service recipients and IT experts design digital services and prepare digitization masterplan together for their respective ministry/org. within just 6-7 days.
e-insan is an integrated platform, offering a wide range of services based on equal opportunity and accessibility for employment and lifelong professional development. In addition, it supports data-driven decision-making processes. The platform provides job and internship opportunities, online training for employees, and many contents of career development for youth and creates a talent pool with verified data. Blockchain-supported e-insan increases efficiency and transparency in HR management.
The innovation is a new and comprehensive awareness program to apprise the public of the existing policy and legal framework in which they operate in Lebanon, through the mapping of existing laws and decrees, by topics and sectors. The aim is to understand the existing framework as a first step in working toward a just one. This empowers public officials and citizens with the right information to establish rule of law and accountability and to flag out gaps, inconsistencies and required reforms.
Traditional ways of regulating are not able to keep pace with technological disruption, shifting sectoral boundaries, new types of problems and the opportunities innovation can bring. The Regulatory Horizons Council (RHC) is an independent expert committee set up the UK Government that identifies the implications of technological innovation, and provides government with impartial, expert advice on the regulatory reform required to support its rapid and safe introduction.