The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown measures led to an increase in gender-based violence worldwide. In this context, the Government of Chile and Argentina, in an international collaboration with Facebook, took on the challenge of creating a silent channel to provide emotional support and information to women who live with their aggressor. In Chile, the project was led by
the Ministry of Women and Gender Equality, and the Government (Innovation) Laboratory.
Innovation Tag: Cross-Border Innovation (Top 37)
Case Study
Environmental policy auditing for biodiversity conservation: The coordinated audit of protected…
Auditing entities are public institutions that play a key role in the improvement of environmental policies. Thus, the Commission on Environmental Auditing of Latin America (COMTEMA) conducted the Coordinated Audit of Protected Areas in 2019-2020, with the participation of 26 inspection entities from 17 countries, in order to effectively evaluate their environmental management.
Case Study
Etorkizuna Eraikiz: A collaborative and open governance proposal for cross-border dialogue and…
- The growing disaffection of citizens with their institutions and politics in general makes collaboration and joint efforts more necessary than ever.
- The governance model is open and collaborative. It facilitates dialogue and collaboration by generating open spaces for learning, innovation and experimentation for the joint work of organizations, people and cross-border administrations.
- It addresses challenges, generates proposals and seeks solutions to public agenda problems.
Case Study
Cross-KIC Circular Economy in the Western Balkans: Systems and stakeholders mapping for policy…
Better ecosystem understanding is needed in the Western Balkans where governments face the challenge of aligning with the European Green Deal and Circular Economy amid EU enlargement discussions. This project implements an innovation policy for sustainable growth by introducing tools for territorial analysis to support development policies. It is the first regional effort of this kind, positioning existing circular economy challenge owners in a system viewpoint as part of a co-creation process.
Innovacion Publica (IP) 360 seeks to respond to the low levels of trust in government and to the unequal distribution of innovation in Latin America's public sector. The project has a holistic approach to reach local governments that are not part of the mainstream opengov networks. It delivers actions in 19 local governments to strengthen citizen participation, transparency and digitalization. The lessons learned are then scaled up through a regional learning community of public innovators.
The Mobile Networks Data for Official Statistics project seeks to provide an end-to-end generic production framework for using data generated by mobile networks, which can be adapted to the different statistical needs and statistical domains through a modular approach. It produces a robust, mathematically sound solution to improving timeliness and relevance of official statistical products in order to meet a concrete need of statistical data users.
The EGTC GO represents an instrument to unlock cross-border potential for innovation, competitiveness, and sustainable growth. It promotes innovation in local governance through a supra-regional method to solve cross-border challenges - administrative and legal burdens – in order to provide concrete solutions for its territory and citizens. Flagship cooperation projects on Health, Culture and Social Innovation are key examples of the innovative added-value of the EGTC GO.
The Global Councils on SDGs is a unique interdisciplinary network of decision makers from governments, international organizations, academia, and the private sector, who came together to share innovative practices and discuss the creative implementation of the SDGs at the national and global level. Based at the World Government Summit, the Councils aimed to work on creating new partnerships between countries, organizations, and sustainable development advocates for the implementation of SDGs.
Viet Nam has suffered a drastic decrease in mangrove forests in recent decades driven by the growth of aquaculture. The governments of the Republic of Korea and Viet Nam have decided to resolve this issue through cross-sector collaboration between the forestry and fisheries sectors of both governments. Through this cooperation, the two governments will help local people restore and sustainably manage mangrove forests while also improving their livelihoods through eco-friendly aquaculture.
The Borderlands Partnership, comprising five local authorities on the border of England and Scotland, secured an innovative growth deal with the UK and Scottish Governments: the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal. The Deal will bring in up to £452m of fresh investment to support inclusive and sustainable growth across the Borderlands region and is anticipated to boost the region’s economy by £1.1 billion and create 5,500 additional job opportunities. It is the cross-border growth Deal in the…