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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The Finnish Government has piloted a new innovative operating model based on co-creation and networking widely within the society. This so-called ‘The Ecosystem Forum’ aims at boosting human-centric digitalisation policy and data economy. It is a new way to formulate policies, prepare decisions and improve implementation. The forum is led by the State Secretary at Prime Minister's Office. In addition, the Prime Minister's Office has an active role in the facilitation of the network.
By applying state-of-the-art data science approaches to both Queensland Fire & Emergency Services (QFES) data (internal, public, or otherwise), the project forecasted the likelihood of major hazards (e.g. cyclones, fire) which drive the service demands for QFES. Using these likelihoods, the project generated 1,000 statewide 10-year service demand scenarios. Each service demand scenario was assessed regarding proposed capital and operational investment plans. With this innovation, data rather…
Online and interactive platform that allows citizens to access information on more than 1000 public projects of the Buenos Aires City Government (hereinafter, “GCBA”). Providing data visualizations and geo-referenced maps, BA Obras facilitates citizen control. The initiative seeks to increase transparency in public management based on real-time monitoring with up-to-date and structured data. The government of Buenos Aires City published BA Obras code in Github, so other governments can…
The automatic filling and assessment of individual’s income tax return enables the tax return to be delivered in a simple, convenient and timely manner, as it exempts the taxpayer from any interaction except the confirmation of the pre-filled values. The tax return is fully filled out by Tax Administration with the data gathered (income and expenses) from third parties information (employers, businesses, banks, etc.) and from the individual elements declared by the taxpayer in the previous…
Many years of Australian debate and public division around same sex marriage culminated in a single, nation-wide postal survey. The Australian Bureau of Statistics was given only 99 days to prepare, conduct and release the results of a survey of Australia’s 16 million enrolled voters. An amazing 80% of citizens participated in this voluntary survey, enabled by innovative project management and customer-centric service delivery. The project was delivered for 2/3 of its budget, a $40m saving.
Coming Soon fosters small & medium business creation across Jerusalem through an innovative means of connecting entrepreneurs with the real needs of the residents. Through innovative crowd-sourcing platform, we asks vast numbers of Jerusalemites what businesses are missing in their neighborhoods. This data is then shared with entrepreneurs, who receive a package of government-subsidized training and incentives to help them build a sustainable businesses based on what Jerusalemites actually…
“Future Ready” is a project which develops young women and men computer science and entrepreneurship skills. Future Ready enables youth to develop technology solutions that addresses societal challenges and contribute to the growth of the national economy. Overall, the project bridges the gap between public education and job market needs and creating entrepreneurial opportunities for them.
GovTech Poland is a completely new way of bringing innovations to the public sector. We have set out to define new procurement rules, set standards and build bridges between innovators and officials. Organising competitions, workshops, and introducing new digital solutions ourselves, our objective is to make the administration an agile, responsible partner for SME's and startups.
The Model Hospital allows trusts across the NHS in England to benchmark their productivity and identify areas to improve across the range of services they delive. For the first time, it provides data on productivity, performance and quality in the same place, highlighting opportunities to improve productivity and reduce variation. The Model Hospital leverages the power of benchmarking to provide concise, insightful, actionable strategic information to support trusts to improve care for patients.