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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Taking a course and a comprehensive driving test has not been a mandatory requirement to issue a driver's license in Mexico City and implementing such a system is not simple. The City is building institutional capabilities to effectively implement mandatory courses and tests to improve road safety. Meanwhile, SEMOVI has modified the issuing license form to nudge applicants into feeling co-responsible for road safety and refraining from driving if they deem themselves incapable of doing it…
Tiger Team is a monthly cross-corporate super team of 25+ passionate people to boldly tackle problems in the administration and city. This collaborative experiment brings together staff, citizens, and community stakeholders for 2.5 hours to understand and explore complex problems, generate ideas and prototype solutions to test with users. By bringing together these diverse perspectives Tiger Team is able to compress timelines, find unexpected solutions, identify change makers, and break down…
The Rosselkhoznadzor has developed an artificial intelligence model that can detect violations in all production chains of animal products in order to reduce the proportion of counterfeit and falsified products of animal origin on the market as much as possible. The innovation is beneficial to a healthy society, conscientious agricultural producers and the state. Artificial intelligence methods for detecting violations have not been previously applied by the Rosselkhoznadzor.
"Defensores" is a platform designed to provide public defenders with a tool to register allegations of torture. This project was carried out in partnership with two key actors in the subject: The Ministry of Public Defense (MDP) and the National Mechanism for Prevention against Torture (MNP). Its implementation facilitates the effective and permanent monitoring of torture by public defenders and generates qualified information for different institutions and society in general. It's the first…
“TAKO – Moms” is the result of a project with the goal of developing a Minimum Viable Product to help tax administration service workers with customer service. TAKO is an online overview of all customers, which was created by the service workers themselves in collaboration with programmers. This process resulted in both exceptional improvements in the payment of VAT’s as well as large evolutions in the skills of the workers, without launching a high-cost project.
Nudge TĂĽrkiye undertook a project to increase the uptake of government subsidies by SMEs. Analysis showed our subsidies were used by a limited number of big companies, and government could reach the SMEs who need financial support the most. By interacting more closely with the firms, they clarified the pain points for the SMEs. Based on firms' feedback, organisers created a user-friendly website for explaining subsidies, and sent over 30,000 emails that used behavioural messages to nonapplicant…
Digital Lithuania Academy is an online learning platform that aims to guide the country’s public sector through the digital transformation. It seeks to immerse public servants in digital practices relevant to their work, and upgrade their professional profiles through a highly personalized learning pathway. By becoming increasingly tech-savvy, public servants have the chance to vastly increase their efficiency, find innovative ways of working, and deliver better public services to citizens.
We often hear stories about the interpretations of laws and attitudes of public institutions. This year in Latvia for the first time the initiative “An Official Shadows an Entrepreneur” was launched, allowing for the public servant to broaden his view and “step into entrepreneur's shoes” to evaluate how the regulation is applied in practice and what requires further improvements. The initiative promotes a dialogue between the state and the business to reduce the administrative burden.
The Government Mentor Program (GMP) is an initiative started by the Government of Telangana, India, envisioned to build familiarity with the Government by bringing officials from relevant departments to mentor startups. The organisers believe that startups work on innovative solutions that have the potential to reform existing processes and services that  bodies provide. The goal of GMP is to assist entrepreneurs eyeing the Government  as a client to establish connections and seek mentorship…
While tens of thousands of refugees are permanently resettled to host countries every year, governments lack the capacity to know which communities to place which refugees. Annie™ MOORE, used by the resettlement agency HIAS, deploys advanced analytics to recommend communities that are most likely to maximize refugees’ odds of being employed. Annie™ boosts employment chances by at least 30% over manual placement and ensures that the needs of refugees and community capacities are both…