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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Asan Imza is the world’s fastest growing national digital identity in the form of Mobile-ID, which is secure, trusted and issued by the government of Azerbaijan. Based on PKI (a public key infrastructure) it is an irreplaceable tool empowering across all sectors, from public to private, including financial institutions and Mobile Network Operators, allowing to digitally verify your identity and create signatures equal to handwritten counterparts, regulated by law.
The Michigan Economic Development Corp (MEDC) teamed up with private partner Patronicity to launch a first of its kind crowd-granting program to help create vibrant communities throughout Michigan. The crowdgranting model streamlines the granting process, increases community engagement and results in more sustainable projects that better serve and impact the communities they are within. Of the 170 completed projects, 165 of them exceeded their crowdfunding goal at a ratio of total private…
The Michigan Economic Development Corp (MEDC) teamed up with private partner Patronicity to launch a first of its kind crowd-granting program to help create vibrant communities throughout Michigan. The program revolutionizes the granting process, in part, by making the community the final review committee. If the project garners enough community support through crowdfunding, it will receive a matching grant. With crowdfunding success rates across the industry at around 5-10% for projects…
Medicinal products, due to their nature, have potential for side effects along with therapeutic effects even when they are used correctly. Since 19 Dec 2014, Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) and Korea Institute of Drug Safety & Risk Management (KIDS) have instituted Adverse Drug Reaction(ADR) Relief System to help people inflicted by such side effects to receive aid without legal action.
The reason for the development and launch of our e-solutions was to facilitate the collection of initiatives and proposals to eliminate administrative burdens and review their implementation in one place. Our innovation provides users with an on-line one-stop-shop solution, where they receive all information about activities in eliminating administrative burdens and preparing better legislation, and enables systematic collection, resolution and monitoring of implementation of proposals.
In a context where the channels between institutions and citizens have been broken by corruption, Día Blanco [White Day] is developed to promote bonds of trust and legitimacy among communities. In the last 3 years, more than 35,000 citizens have been mobilized by this innovative experience, which helps social organizations to inform their communities about their management and impact on local development through social accountability exercises.
The Statistical Office in Łódź  has created three volumes of publications of extensive statistical data (graphs, tables, etc.) in Braille version on a variety of topics, to create the opportunity of statistical education of blind children and youth. Now the publication is published on the internet to make an opportunity for educational institutions for blind children and youth to download and duplicate it limitless.
The Poverty Stoplight (PS) seeks to activate the potential of families to eliminate multidimensional poverty beyond traditional income measures through a self-evaluation tool. PS is used by communities, businesses and governments to support families in assessing their poverty levels and implementing practical solutions, empowering the poor to be architects and protagonists in the process of eliminating poverty.
Governments through all over the world are struggling against disaffection from the people. Incapacity to participate in policy-making, it’s a common perception among citizens. Citizens has the right not to participate, but administrations has to ensure the right to get involved in policy-making. IREKIA was the first participation portal in Spanish & Basque languages and it has been made in Open Source Software and in its recent version offers and Government Program public tracking tool.
Better Reykjavik is a co-creation project of the Citizens Foundation, Reykjavik City and its citizens that connects them and improves trust and policy. It’s a platform for crowdsourcing solutions to urban challenges and has multiple democratic functions: Agenda setting, Participatory budgeting and Policymaking. Innovations include unique debating system, crowd-sourcing, submission of multimedia content and extensive use of AI to improve the user experience as well as content submitted.