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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The Louisville Metro Badge Program rewards employees for tasks like creating an open dataset, crowdsourcing information from citizens or collaborating with other departments on projects. There’s a tiered reward system for civil servants who participate, with prizes ranging from LinkedIn recommendations to recognition at a city-wide awards ceremony.  
The MSIP Observatory is an interactive tool presenting spatial data of the City of Krakow useful for residents, investors, tourists and anyone interested in our city. The map consists of many layers presenting different kinds of information i.e on architecture and urban planning, nature protection and ecology, administration and security, tourism and history of the city. It's interactive and user-friendly and it implements the idea of open government and open data.
Latvia’s E-index is the first national-level initiative helping central government institutions and municipalities to evaluate and recognize their level of digital transformation, foreseen solutions and learn from other institutions. This enables and motivates the development of the e-environment. Within the spirit of positive competition, the common goal is raising awareness of digital transformation, learning about policy and tools, and increasing quality and accessibility of services to…
The integration of health and social care was seen by the Scottish government to require support to ensure that benefits of both national and local data and knowledge were able to be shared across two very different cultures and service providers to jointly develop more appropriate services for local populations. LIST using their expertise in analytical work was seen as a way to develop a sound evidence base to allow decision makers to develop effective services.
BPA or technology-enabled automation of rules based business processes was identified as an opportunity to streamline the operational business of the Organisation, to achieve simplicity, improve service delivery and reduce costs. The innovation engages BPA to digitally transform workflows from conventional data manipulation and record-keeping functions, to efficient automated systems. BPA has benefitted front line staff, where the burden of processes has transferred from humans to technology.
Transport Canada has piloted the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to perform risk-based oversight by scanning Pre-loading Advance Cargo Information (PLACI) to identify potential air cargo threats (i.e. “bomb-in-a-box” scenario). By using AI to perform this function, there is potential for Transport Canada to save 1,000’s of hours and conduct risk assessments on all air cargo shipments coming from abroad -- in real-time.
The United Nations Development Programme Lebanon used WhatsApp to conduct qualitiative surveys to listen to Syrian refugees in Lebanon dealing with conflicts with the local Lebanese community. Using Whatsapp is an effective tool for collecting qualitative data from vulnerable communities at scale. WhatsApp is widely used, with 84% of refugee households in Lebanon on WhatsApp. WhatsApp's voice message function allowed us to send survey questions as voice messages and collect people’s stories…
AID:Tech’s blockchain remittance solution offers affordable, transparent money transfer services to users in and outside of Serbia. Implementation partners, senders and recipients gain traceability over the remittance process with fees >3%; in line with UN SDG 10.C The solution is developed in partnership with UNDP Serbia and part-funded by The Rockefeller Foundation. The solution launched in September 2018 with the support of the city administration of Nis, Serbia.
The Northern Ireland (NI) Public Sector Innovation Lab has organised a hackathon, “Hack the Pain,” to address these needs of an underserved group: people with persistent pain. These individuals need for better information services for self-management, and the projects that emerged from the hackathon include a virtual reality app for mindfulness, a pain tracking app and a website of information on pain management techniques.
Open policy-making is an opportunity for government and stakeholders to move from linear, polarized, single-issue, interest-based considerations to interactions that are networked, collaborative, opportunity-based and where complexity is viewed as an asset. Adapted for the Government of Canada context, is a cost-effective and highly scalable, digital engagement platform that can be used as part of broader strategies to put people and robust evidence at the heart of government decisions.