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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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A collaboration between government and community, Systemic Design eXchange (SDX) is an Edmonton-based community of practice for people interested in learning about systemic design as a methodology for addressing complex, real world issues. Together, we explore systems thinking, design thinking, and change lab approaches. With a bias towards learning by doing, SDX aims to be a watering hole where multiple sectors can come together, learn together, and act together.
Ireland’s Open Data Initiative (ODI) is a key element of the government’s Public Service Reform activities. It aims to increase transparency, stimulate new business, build trust in Government and improve the lives of citizens by delivering better services. The ODI involves significant engagement with citizens, business, the data community, researchers and public bodies. Over 8700 datasets from 100 publishers are available on the ODI Portal which provides free access to data via a central…
The Digital Mobile Key is the Portuguese mobile eID solution, for secure authentication in public & private websites. Instead of relying on different usernames/passwords for each entity, or using their eID Card, citizens now use the Digital Mobile Key, made of a single 4 digits PIN + an OTP(by SMS, email or messaging platform), or a push notification (Digital Mobile Key app) In addition to authentication, Digital Mobile Key also allows digital signatures, both in a personal or a professional…
Asan Imza is the world’s fastest growing national digital identity in the form of Mobile-ID, which is secure, trusted and issued by the government of Azerbaijan. Based on PKI (a public key infrastructure) it is an irreplaceable tool empowering across all sectors, from public to private, including financial institutions and Mobile Network Operators, allowing to digitally verify your identity and create signatures equal to handwritten counterparts, regulated by law.
My Municipality (Meu Município) a free public portal that organizes and makes available the financial performance of 90% of the Brazilian cities in a intuitive, user-friendly way. It is used for citizens to understand, monitor and compare how Brazilian municipalities collect and spend our money. My Municipality is also designed for public managers in their analysis and decision-making about the city's directions.
Conditions in Indonesia today are contrary to the principle of openness towards intellectual property (IP). The presence of a digital IP management platform called INTIP DAQU would uncover valuable information of technologies produced through R&D by Indonesian institutions. INTIP DAQU has been utilized by universities, R&D institutions and regional governments on a Free-License basis, while IP data between institutions are interconnected, creating a technology marketplace.
Two decades ago, 80% of Indonesia’s timber exports consisted of illegally-sourced wood. In order to combat this problem and to promote more sustainable forest management, the Government of Indonesia developed an innovative multi-stakeholder approach to ensure that wood products and raw materials would only be obtained or come from sources whose origins and management were legal and sustainable. Thus, the Timber Legality Assurance System (Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu – SVLK) was born.
In a context where the channels between institutions and citizens have been broken by corruption, Día Blanco [White Day] is developed to promote bonds of trust and legitimacy among communities. In the last 3 years, more than 35,000 citizens have been mobilized by this innovative experience, which helps social organizations to inform their communities about their management and impact on local development through social accountability exercises.
Governments through all over the world are struggling against disaffection from the people. Incapacity to participate in policy-making, it’s a common perception among citizens. Citizens has the right not to participate, but administrations has to ensure the right to get involved in policy-making. IREKIA was the first participation portal in Spanish & Basque languages and it has been made in Open Source Software and in its recent version offers and Government Program public tracking tool.