Carrot Rewards is a platform promoting healthy living and public engagement that leverages behavioural economics, mobile tech and the power of loyalty programs to motivate and educate users to make better everyday lifestyle choices for themselves, their families and the planet. Created in collaboration with public sector agencies, leading Canadian health NGOs and the private sector. With over a million downloads, Carrot is driving sustainable positive behaviour change on a population scale.
Innovation Tag: Social Innovation
The OEE established a Social Innovation "UnLab" (SIU) to test an embedded innovation model and amplify energy efficiency policy and service impacts in Canada. The SIU creates value for energy efficiency stakeholders in three ways:
Building relationships and capacity for energy efficiency policy and service innovation;
Generating evidence and collective learning by co-creating and testing insights and interventions;
Amplifying impacts by scaling learning and implementing what works.
The challenge the city Ljubljana wanted to address was how to approach young people who have ideas. What works well, and what could be even better? City Incubator is a programme for the implementation of the ideas of young people in Ljubljana. It is a sustainable tool for implementation and co-financing of local youth initiatives. Individuals or groups may put ideas forward and in the frame of the programme, they receive professional support for the fine-tuning, and financial support for the…
Case Study
Vitamin Lab: How to Take Citizen Responsiveness and Integrity in Health Services to the Next Level
The innovation was developed to tackle the problem of corruption in the Lithuanian healthcare sector. We conducted a Vitamin Lab experiment to find out if the change of the clinic’s environment indirectly affects the behaviour of patients, how it can influence their attitudes towards the clinic, increase transparency and reduce bribery. To our knowledge, it was one of the first initiatives to use this type of measured social design interventions in the context of healthcare sector corruption.
Decidim est une plateforme numérique imaginée par la mairie de Barcelone dès 2016 pour créer et coordonner des espaces et des processus participatifs, qui vise à étendre et faciliter l’accès à la participation citoyenne en vue de la co-construction et de la co-production des politiques publiques. Il s’agit d’un projet européen open source : son code est ouvert et libre ; en d’autres termes, tout le monde peut le voir, l’utiliser, le copier ou l’enrichir.
Malopolska Incubator for Social Innovation is a funding space for bottom-up, widely-consulted and fully-supported innovations in the field of care services for dependents: elderly and disabled. We use everyday non-standard ways and practices unprecedented in local government administration: Design Thinking, creating open-sourced products, bureaucracy reduce, financing 100% of costs. Incubator is implemented by Regional Center for Social Policy in Krakow.
CivTech is the Scottish Government’s challenge programme for innovation. The programme pioneers a smarter, faster approach to public procurement to harness entrepreneurial tech innovation and citizen engagement, improving public service delivery, creating economic development opportunities and fostering an entrepreneurial mindset within government.
UNDP - Live Lebanon in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation, the National Council for Road Safety and MTV (media partner), introduced a new pothole patching technology called "Velocity" and launched a campaign called "Ensa Joura". whereby citizens can pinpoint potholes using a mobile application. The state of the art truck will go to the reported locations and instantly fix the potholes.
The Twinning Programme is part of the Gauteng Department of Education’s wider strategic framework and its “Re-organisation of Schools” strategy. The objectives of the Twinning Programme are to improve learner outcomes and foster social cohesion in nurturing holistic learner development by creating an environment for cultural exchange through sharing expertise and resources across suburban and township schools.
In 2015, a constitutional reform on transparency allowed the INAI to propose a specific set of actions to adopt and institutionalize open government principles in Mexico. Thus, it designed a comprehensive strategy that mainly consisted of the implementation of provisions, methodologies and public policies to guide and articulate the design, implementation, and operation of open government in public institutions, the three levels of government and the three branches of government nationwide.