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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The project improves quality of life for people with a chronical illness by developing and integrating digital solutions in the education of patients. It supplements the physical training but replaces the traditional education in a health centre and offers patients a far more flexible solution. Patients can participate in webinars from home and chat with healthcare professionals and other patients. The use of digital solutions results in both resource optimization and patient empowerment.
"Defensores" is a platform designed to provide public defenders with a tool to register allegations of torture. This project was carried out in partnership with two key actors in the subject: The Ministry of Public Defense (MDP) and the National Mechanism for Prevention against Torture (MNP). Its implementation facilitates the effective and permanent monitoring of torture by public defenders and generates qualified information for different institutions and society in general. It's the first…
Tens of thousands of low-to-moderate-income families in Fort Collins live in energy inefficient housing that perpetuate health and economic disparities. The solution, “Epic Homes”, is an integrated, scalable public-private partnership model to “find, finance, and fix” energy inefficient rental properties and document health and well-being impacts. Epic Homes leverages private capital to offer simple and attractive financing for energy upgrades to achieve social and environmental…
New Zealand has developed the Emergency Caller Location Information (ECLI) Service. The Service enables Public Safety Organisations (PSOs) to receive automatically generated geographical information about the location of a caller when an emergency call is connected to a mobile cellular network, from any mobile device. ECLI saves lives by decreasing the time taken to verify location and reduce the average dispatch time to incidents, with controls in place to protect callers’ personal…
Recruit Smarter is a multi-sector initiative of the Victorian Government and Melbourne University to develop inclusive recruitment practices and address unconscious bias in recruitment. Internationally, Recruit Smarter is the first initiative of its kind, contributing findings to a growing body of research demonstrating the benefits of inclusive workplaces. 46 organisations across the public, private, non-government, and research sectors contributed to Recruit Smarter and its findings.
“TAKO – Moms” is the result of a project with the goal of developing a Minimum Viable Product to help tax administration service workers with customer service. TAKO is an online overview of all customers, which was created by the service workers themselves in collaboration with programmers. This process resulted in both exceptional improvements in the payment of VAT’s as well as large evolutions in the skills of the workers, without launching a high-cost project.
BrazilLAB is an innovation hub conceived to connect startups with the public sector and accelerate their solutions with a focus on improving public services. It stimulates urban innovation by supporting high-impact entrepreneurs searching for solutions to complex city challenges. BrazilLAB is also a key driver of Brazil´s GovTech movement by leading a government advocacy coalition. Besides, it has launched a GovTech Seal through which startups can be easily accessed by the government.
Digital Lithuania Academy is an online learning platform that aims to guide the country’s public sector through the digital transformation. It seeks to immerse public servants in digital practices relevant to their work, and upgrade their professional profiles through a highly personalized learning pathway. By becoming increasingly tech-savvy, public servants have the chance to vastly increase their efficiency, find innovative ways of working, and deliver better public services to citizens.
Governments are facing increasingly complex problems and do not have a repeatable approach for creating solutions that meet citizens needs. Lightning Lab GovTech is a three month government accelerator programme that takes government teams through a six stage innovation process of problem discovery, solution co-design, market validation and technology integration. Through LLGovTech, government departments can create more innovative, efficient and effective solutions to better serve citizens.
The programme My First Salary addresses youth unemployment by providing a salary subsidy grant for the first employment of high school or university graduates bellow 30. It is implemented through a state-of-the-art tech platform that automates the application process, approval and match-making. It is a “zero paper” alternative to what used to be a “complex bureaucratic state support procedure”, combined with a transparent “recruitment procedure” – all in a streamlined and fully…