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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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BPA or technology-enabled automation of rules based business processes was identified as an opportunity to streamline the operational business of the Organisation, to achieve simplicity, improve service delivery and reduce costs. The innovation engages BPA to digitally transform workflows from conventional data manipulation and record-keeping functions, to efficient automated systems. BPA has benefitted front line staff, where the burden of processes has transferred from humans to technology.
For ventures and start-ups to overcome Valley of Death (failure to survive within the first 3-7 years from start) and to explore sales channels in the early stage, the Korean Public Procurement Service designed VENTURE NARA. VENTURE NARA is a "stepping stone" where ventures and start-ups can promote and sell their products in the early stage, and prepare for jumping into the broader markets. As a prior stage to the Online Shopping Mall, VENTURE NARA is put in place where any ventures and…
The United Nations Development Programme Lebanon used WhatsApp to conduct qualitiative surveys to listen to Syrian refugees in Lebanon dealing with conflicts with the local Lebanese community. Using Whatsapp is an effective tool for collecting qualitative data from vulnerable communities at scale. WhatsApp is widely used, with 84% of refugee households in Lebanon on WhatsApp. WhatsApp's voice message function allowed us to send survey questions as voice messages and collect people’s stories…
The Northern Ireland (NI) Public Sector Innovation Lab has organised a hackathon, “Hack the Pain,” to address these needs of an underserved group: people with persistent pain. These individuals need for better information services for self-management, and the projects that emerged from the hackathon include a virtual reality app for mindfulness, a pain tracking app and a website of information on pain management techniques.
The frameworks for creating and managing the rule of government, as reflected in policies, legislation and regulation, are still based on a paper paradigm. In a digital world this creates poor service experiences and often the intent of a policy is not achieved. Instead if we co-design authoritative machine-consumable rules we can provide better services for citizens, better delivery of policy intent, and enable communities, NGOs and private sector to be part of a government service ecosystem.
A new waste management system, driven by information. Bogota has evolved its cleaning and recycling scheme, generating a profound transformation in the way in which citizens needs are met and garbage collection is managed. This model is based on the effective use of data and information. This initiative has allowed greater transparency in the actions of involved public and private organizations, an intense collaboration to provide the best service and enabling citizens active participation.
TOMI is a network of interactive street kiosks that allow every citizen to freely use public services on-the-go, in a simple, fast and convenient way, while performing their daily routines on the city streets. By using TOMI, people can search for a specific public entity/service, choose the one that’s closer to their current location and take a virtual queue ticket to a given public service, with the possibility to require an SMS alert when their queue number is approaching.
Bogota’s Citizen Complaints Dashboard (Tablero Control Ciudadano) is a preventive and social control web tool that displays the requirements that the citizens put before the public offices. The Citizen Complaints Dashboard gives access to public officials and citizens to the analysis and monitoring of complaints, claims and compliments entered into the System. The Citizen Complaints Dashboard highlights alerting data related to issues regarding time of attention to the requirements as well as…
Louisville, like many cities, experienced a spike in homicides starting in 2016. Recent deployment of gunshot detection technology has been effective at pinpointing where and when gunshots occur. On average, police officers arrive long after the critical, first ten minute window to stabilize injuries. Placing drones strategically throughout our city, we will be able to deploy a camera to the scene within 90 seconds of when a gun is discharged and rapidly dispatch emergency medical personnel.
The Canada Learning Bond, a government education savings program providing a financial incentive to low income Canadians, turned to behavioural insights (BI) to tackle persistent low take-up. Following unsuccessful BI trials based on academic literature and expertise, we turned to Design. In a Government of Canada first, combining lessons learned from human centred design processes including stories from citizens and BI we developed outreach that significantly improved the take-up of the Bond.