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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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"Why did I fail? How should I develop my career?" To address such concerns, we developed the Digital Mentor Service of National Qualification. It leverages massive data on national qualification tests to identify each individual's weaknesses and why they fail. It also provides personalized information by matching examination history with jobs and training offered by government agencies. Supporting test takers from skills assessment and development to job placement.
BORA (acronym for "Online Relationship Database for Evaluators", in Brazilian Portuguese) is an innovative online application developed by ENAP that connects research professionals and policy managers around the country. The app makes it possible to link the needs of Brazilian public administration for high-quality policy analysis and the research of well-targeted projects by specialists based on a quick, transparent and free solution.
The Center for Hybrid Intelligence (CHI) has with partners such as UN’s AI4Good and the Danish People Climate Summit piloted a new AI powered game, “Crea.visions,” which allows the general public to collaboratively create and reflect on images of possible futures. Such accessible crowdsourcing of the concerns and solutions of the general public on both global and local complex socio-scientific problems could form a cornerstone in participatory democracy in the digital age.
The Future Tech Challenge (FTC) is a pilot initiative led by DPER to connect and collaborate across the wider ecosystem, and engage in transformative innovation by experimenting with, and applying new technology to address pressing public sector problems and opportunities that deliver improved services to the public. Drive innovation using emerging technology, enhance collaboration, meet National strategic priorities, generate knowledge & learnings and develop prototyped solutions.
Metroverse is an urban economy navigator built at the Growth Lab at Harvard University. It is based on over a decade of research on how economies grow and diversify and offers brand new insights on a city's growth prospects by placing its existing technological capabilities and knowhow at the heart of how diversification unfolds. Metroverse was built using a user-centered design process to help city leaders, policymakers and researchers grapple with 21st-century urbanization challenges.
The PropTech Engagement Fund was launched in 2021 and has worked with 41 Local Authorities to date on accelerating the adoption of digital citizen engagement tools and transforming community involvement in placemaking. Our ongoing programme is the largest UK Government PropTech Programme, leading on how to work with industry, tech start ups and local governments to increase the diversity and positivity of placemaking conversations and to fast track new digital policy and local housing delivery.
The Smart Station project for future urban subway station has accelerated the digital transformation for public transportation industry, which has been slow to change, by applying fourth industrial technologies such as IoT, 3D digital twin technology, AI image analysis, and deep learning technology. Through this, the station has secured a control tower that can manage all lines for safe subway station operation, station workers can innovate their work through augmented reality UI systems.
The Australian Government - Dept of Finance sponsored a Proof of Concept (PoC) that looked at how Rules as Code (RaC) might be provided as a shared utility that can be used to deliver simpler, personalised digital user journeys for citizens. RaC is the process of taking legislation and regulations and turning them into machine-readable code. It provides many benefits to citizens and government, including greater reuse, less duplication, greater transparency and accessibility of rules.
Less than 5% of Small Business (SBs) in Australia take out formal intellectual property protection, with many small business owners putting themselves at risk due to a lack of awareness about the need for Intellectual Property, especially at the point of establishing their business. TM Embed aims to engage these small businesses at critical points of their business journey by building awareness, educating them about trade marks, and simplifying the way in which they engage with the trade ma
Aviation is regulated in a vast set of laws and agreements, on an international and national level and is to be respected by aviators of all sizes; from big national airports, till little children playing with drones. All these different rules and moreover national differences lead to an incredibly complex system to implement. The Belgian Federal Public Service Mobility has developed a system that translates these legal requirements into a single online aircraft registration platform.